Wednesday 6 November 2013

Tudor Tunes

A few more Tudor tunes for you to enjoy.
This time the theme has been extended to incorporate all Henry's wives (again for the tune think London Bridge). 

Henry VIII he had six wives
Had six wives, had six wives
Henry VIII he had six wives
Here’s what happened

Cath’rine Aragon he will wed
He will wed, he will wed
Cath’rine Aragon he will wed
How he loves her

Catherine can’t bear a son
Bear a son, bear a son
Catherine can’t bear a son
He’ll divorce her

Anne Boleyn now he will wed
He will wed, he will wed
Anne Boleyn now he will wed
Loves no other

Anne Boleyn has failed too
Failed too, failed too
Anne Boleyn has failed too
He’ll behead her

Jane Seymour now he will wed
He will wed, he will wed
Jane Seymour now he will wed
11 days after

Jane Seymour had Henry’s son
Henry’s son, Henry’s son
Jane Seymour had Henry’s son
He’ll soon lose her

Anna of Cleves he will wed
He will wed, he will wed
Anna of Cleves he will wed
For her brother

Anna of Cleves he likes not
He likes not, he likes not
Anna of Cleves he likes not
He’ll divorce her

Cath’rine Howard he will wed
He will wed, he will wed
Cath’rine Howard he will wed
His rose he calls her

Cath’rine Howard had affairs
Had affairs, had affairs
Cath’rine Howard had affairs
He’ll behead her

Catherine Parr he will wed
He will wed, he will wed
Catherine Parr he will wed
Loves another

Catherine Parr will survive
Will survive, will survive
Catherine Parr will survive
He died before her

Henry VIII had six wives
Had six wives, had six wives
Henry VIII had six wives
That’s what happened

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