Friday 15 November 2013

24 in London sketch - Newsreview

Today's entry is a sketch I penned for Newsjack and was created after a learnt of the commissioning of a new series of a certain spy thriller programme.

Introduction: A new series of 24 has been commissioned to be set in London and that will only consist of 12 episodes but I’m not sure how well Jack Bauer would cope in England…  
Jack Bauer: Ok – so I’ve moved to London and my day has dramatically shortened but I’m sure everything will be just fi-
Government minister: Oh my God, Jack! Thank goodness I found you! There’s a situation in parliament - some mad blond bloke’s threatening to detonate a bomb unless his demands are met by 3.15 this afternoon!
Jack Bauer: Right – let’s go!
(dramatic music interlude)
Jack Bauer: Ok. Ok - so that didn’t work. But everybody just stay calm! We’ve got plenty of time to defeat the terrorist – the bomb’s not set to go off until 3.15pm.
Glamorous assistant: But, Jack, it’s 3:13 now!
Jack Bauer: No it’s not – according to my watch it’s only 10.13am.
Government minister: Uh, Jack – you’re still on US time. London is 5 hours ahead.
Jack Bauer: Oh sh-

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