Friday 29 November 2013

The Stuarts Song - Horrific Histories

A recently completed entry from my Horrific Histories collection today which again parodies one of Horrible Histories' own creations - this time The Tudors Song rewritten for the Stuarts.
Imagine it being sung by Charles II.

The Tudors Stuarts Song not by Horrible Histories
Anyone who's lived around these parts
Or ever knew'd us
Is well aware just who it was came
After the Tudors...

My grandad James Sixth & First
He came from Scotland
To govern England
Speedily done

Charles the First then took over
Who’d suffered the cold shoulder
Cause Prince Henry was older
But he had died young

Everyone said of Charles The
First he was a bad king
And it’s cos of him
That I then went into hiding...

'Cause we're Stuarts
It isn’t wise to boo-at
The scaffold you’ll be due at
‘Cause we are in charge

Ruling we weren’t new at
Power we soon grew at
We like living large

Eventually I became king
I enjoyed messing about
It’s your queen who then lost out
‘Cause she had no kids

It was an heir I needed
But that just wouldn’t happen
Oh dear, well, that’s that then
The throne – any bids?

My castle many flew at
And many more would queue at
To feel the king’s touch 

My brother then took the throne
That’s King James the Second
(But) Catholicism beckoned
Who came after?

His daughter then took over
Along with husband William
Again they had no children
So Anne’s the ruler...

The era many rue at
And some would like to sue at

Yet we still won

Anne outlived all her heirs
So our reign ended there
We didn’t think that fair
So we kept fighting on

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