Tuesday 26 November 2013

Christopher Marlowe - Horrific Histories

An entry from the unsubmitted section of my Horrific Histories collection today turning a song about a Disney villain into one about an Elizabethan literary hero.

Cruella de Vil Christopher Marlowe not by Disney
Christopher Marlowe
Christopher marlowe
Top of the hits where ever he’d go
Wrote Faustus and Tamberlane
Before he died
Was it because he spied?

His way with the words
The turn of his phrase
Will always stay with us
For all of our days
A dramatist and a
Poet also
Was Christopher Marlowe

William Shakespeare
Is second to none
But his time came after
Marlowe was gone
The more famous name now
But then about the town
It was Kit and not Will who
Earned renown!

A skilled author
With a tricky life
His escapades brought him
Nothing but strife
Cos fifteen ninety
two’s a year of woe
For poor, Christopher Marlowe

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