Friday 22 November 2013

50 Years of Doctor Who - Newsjack

As promised, here is the second of today's sketches.
I created it to mark the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who
(if I had internet access tomorrow I'd post it then but as I won't...). It was one of the sketches I submitted to the radio show Newsjack.

Introduction: This year marks the 50th anniversary of BBC’s Doctor Who and despite his advancing years, the Doctor himself seems to just keep getting younger and younger – how does he do it?

Elderly man’s voice (Hartnell): I used to have the face of a 58 year old man…

(sound effect)

Young man’s voice (Smith): But now I look just 28. What’s my secret? This new anti-aging serum from Laboratoire Gallifrey. With its amazing regenerative properties I can look younger than my own granddaughter even though I’m over 900 years old. Try some today – it’s out of this world.

Voiceover: (spoken really fast) Warning - productiscompletelyfictitiousandisnotavailableanywhere.

Young man’s voice: Take Care.
Voiceover: Gallifrey

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