Wednesday 13 November 2013

There's No Business - !!!NEW!!!

A !!!NEW!!! entry today - meaning it's a brand new creation not belonging to any previous category or submission. And it's a topical reworking or parody of the Irving Berlin song 'There's No Business Like Show Business'.

The butcher, the baker, the grocer, the clerk
Are openly unhappy men because
The butcher, the baker, the grocer, the clerk
Want pay for what they do and not applause
They’d glad bid these dreary times goodbye
For any chance to boost their sales and why

There’s no business for their business
There’s no business on show
Everything about it seemed appealing
They were sure that their business would wow
Nowhere could they get that happy feeling
When they were dealing but what’s up now

There’s no business for their business
There’s no business you know
They think their MP’ll help them out the hole
They ask them now to fulfill their role
Next day they seem to find themselves on the dole
Can’t go on with the show
Can’t go on with the show

There’s no business for their business
There’s no business they know
Everyday they open is depressing
Waiting to see if someone will come
Watching all the bills mount is distressing
So they’re confessing it’s over now

There’s no business for their business
There’s no business and so
Even with a great idea they know will fly
They’ve got no customers passing by
To summon up a smile they can’t even try
They’ve never felt so low

There’s no business for their business
There’s no business to show
They get word before the day has started
That the bank has now called in their loan
Top of that their suppliers’ departed
They’re so downhearted but they can’t moan

There’s no business for their business
So their business must go
When they first started out they rose like a star
Now look at them fallen so far
Next day you may find they’re living out their car
Got nowhere else to go
Got nowhere else to go

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