Saturday 31 August 2024

From The Mind of Merc - Rejected Actors

Sometimes I find my mind wandering over various eclectic topics and occasionally I am inspired to write some of them down. Today I was thinking about drama schools.

Following on from last month's post about publishers, another area in which those with questionable senses of judgment potentially negatively impact the enjoyment in the world is drama schools.

It is a well-known adage that those who can't, teach. But maybe they also can't judge.

Here is a list of actors who were initially rejected or expelled from their establishments of dramatic education:

- Carey Mulligan: This Oscar nominated actress was rejected by every drama school she applied to (thankfully Julian Fellowes was able to help her start her career)
- Rosamund Pike: After being rejected by every drama school she applied to, she landed a part as a Bond girl in Die Another Day
- Daniel Craig: Future Bond actor, Craig, was rejected by RADA, LAMDA and the Young Vic before being accepted at the Barbican
- Hugh Jackman: The award-winning actor - best known currently for his role as Wolverine - was rejected by NIDA but got into WAAPA
- Tom Hardy: This versatile thespian was rejected by RADA and expelled by the London Drama Centre (though fortunately he was allowed back in the following year)
- Rachel Griffiths: After being rejected by the National Institute of Dramatic Art, she joined a local community theatre group which led to her award-winning performance in the 1994 film Muriel's Wedding
- Anthony La Paglia: Also rejected by NIDA, this award-winning actor's career took off when he made the move from Australia to America
BONUS - Steven Spielberg: This globally-renowned director was rejected by the University of Southern California School of Cinema not once but twice(!)

- Denholm Elliott: The much-loved award-winning actor was asked to leave RADA after a year
- Jon Pertwee: The future Doctor Who actor was kicked out of RADA for refusing to be a wind (this was after he was rejected by Central due to his lisp)
- Charles Laughton: Consoled his fellow thesp, Pertwee, with the quip that 'All the best people get chucked out of RADA'
- Rodney Bewes: This Likely Lad was expelled during his final year at RADA
- BONUS - Alec Guinness: Failed to get into RADA as the scholarship was not being offered the year he applied

Again, it makes you wonder how many more skilled and capable thespians never got the chance due to some misplaced judgement they experienced from those they faced at their crucial time. 

Doctor, Doctor - !!!NEW!!!

And finishing with...

Honey Honey Doctor Doctor not by ABBA
Doctor Doctor, we need you now, oh yes, Doctor Doctor
Doctor Doctor, don’t let us down, oh no, Doctor Doctor
We have heard all about you
And all of the things you do
And now we hope they are true, we really need you
Oh, help us Doctor, please 

Doctor Doctor, we’re in danger, oh yes, Doctor Doctor
Doctor Doctor, (don’t) be a stranger, oh no, Doctor Doctor
We know that you care for earth
(We know that you care for the earth)
We know you value its worth
(We know you value its worth)
So please listen to our plea and help set us free

We don't want this to be over
And we do not want to die
So we hope you’ll hear us
And we all hope you will try
Please say that you’ll stick with us now
That you’ll never let us be
‘Cause otherwise we will not escape this calamity

Doctor Doctor, please do save us, a-ha, Doctor Doctor
Doctor Doctor, help end this fuss, a-ha, Doctor Doctor
You are the one that we want (you’re the one that we want)
So please don’t be nonchalant (do not be nonchalant)
Because without your assist, we will not exist

So we hope you’ll hear us and we all hope you will try
‘Cause otherwise we will not escape this calamity

Doctor Doctor, we need you now, oh yes, Doctor Doctor
Doctor Doctor, don’t let us down, oh no, Doctor Doctor
We have heard all about you
And all of the things you do
And now we hope they are true, we really need you

Gallifrey - !!!NEW!!!

Very late with this month's posts but hopefully it's a case of better late than never.

As I spent to today at a Whovian event, both of today's/this month's contributions are influenced by that particular interest, starting with...

Galway Girl Gallifrey not by Ed Sheeran 
It wasn’t really something that I planned
When I fell in love with a young human
Found she was in peril and so I took her by the hand
Said, "Run” and that’s how it began 

I met her in London in the basement of a store
Where she was then being attacked by plastic mannequins galore
Though after we split up soon I was led right back to her
Where I met her boyfriend Mickey and, of course, her mother
Worked out that the Nestene was the whole reason why
And together we tracked it back to its base at the London Eye
Chat didn’t work but luckily for me
Rose helped me to escape then we both could flee

It wasn’t really something that I planned
When I fell in love with a young human
Found she was in peril and so I took her by the hand
Said, "Run” and that’s how it began
‘Cause I am the man from Gallifrey
Yes I am the man from Gallifrey

You know we faced all sorts of villains not just the Nestene
Like Gelth, the Jagrafess, Reapers and not forgetting the Slitheen
Who could have guessed what kind of adventures lay in store
When I invited Rose behind my blue door
I never thought the Daleks would be alive today
But beat our first encounter thanks to human DNA
Oh, we thought we were doing well and were so very smart
But little did we know soon it would be time to part

It wasn’t really something that I planned
When I fell in love with a young human
Found she was in peril and so I took her by the hand
Said, "Run” and that’s how it began
‘Cause I am the man from Gallifrey
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Gallifrey
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Gallifrey
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Gallifrey

Soon we were up against the wall also out of time
The Daleks were after their newest chance to shine
Found that I couldn’t complete my grand design
But then Rose opened the TARDIS and she won the fight
(I) absorbed the light, took her back inside
But then every cell in my body it started to die
I reassured her that there was no need for fright
‘Cause I’m from Gallifrey and it’ll be alright

It wasn’t really something that I planned
When I fell in love with a young human
Found she was in peril and so I took her by the hand
Said, "Run” and that’s how it began
‘Cause I am the man from Gallifrey
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Gallifrey
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Gallifrey
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Gallifrey

Wednesday 31 July 2024

From The Mind of Merc - Rejected Authors

Sometimes I find my mind wandering over various eclectic topics and occasionally I am inspired to write some of them down. Today I was thinking about publishers.

One thing that bugs me (and which I constantly seem to run into) is people who have achieved (or usually placed themselves) in elevated positions of judgement with the power of life and death of other people's hopes, dreams and ambitions.
Personally nowhere is this (and its inherent issues) plainer than in the publishing industry.

There are undoubtedly countless unfortunate souls whose slaved over creations never saw the light of day as they failed to please the people to who they were submitted and on whose approval their distribution depended. The reason I say this has inherent issues is that it is undeniably flawed. As demonstrated/For example, here is a list of books that were rejected by the publishers who received them:
- Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J. K. Rowling: This global phenomenon was rejected by 10 publishers before an agent's daughter persuaded him to take a chance
- Chicken Soup For The Soul by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen: After 33 rejections, this book finally found a publisher and has sold more than 80 million copies in 37 languages
- Dubliners by James Joyce: 22 publishers turned down Joyce's debut novel before it finally hit the bookshops
- Lorna Doone by Richard Doddridge Blackmore: This 19th century classic was rejected 18 times before finally being published in 1899
- M*A*S*H by Richard Hooker: The book that inspired the classic TV series was turned down 21 times before finding a home
- Carrie by Stephen King: After getting 30 rejections for his book even King rejected it. Fortunately, his wife persuaded him to try again.
- Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell: This book was rejected 38 times but ultimately earned a Pulitzer Prize and a film adaptation
- Dune by Frank Herbert: 23 publishers rejected this Hugo award-winning cult classic that spawned 5 sequels and 2 film adaptations
- Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery: After 5 publishers rejected her novel, Montgomery buried it in a hat box. 2 years later she tried again
- The Diary of Anne Frank: This was rejected 15 times before Doubleday agreed to published it and subsequently sold 25 million copies
- Twilight by Stephanie Meyer: 14 agencies rejected this vampire romance novel which subsequently sold 17 million copies and spawned a film franchise
- The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks: 24 agencies turned down this film-inspiring novel which was sold by the 25th agency for $1 million
- The Thomas Berryman Murder by James Patterson: This bestselling author faced 31 rejections before going on to produce 19 consecutive No. 1s
- A Time To Kill by John Grisham: 16 agencies and 12 publishers turned down his debut which sold out immediately on publication
- The Help by Kathryn Sockett: Rejected by 60 agents, it ended up on the bestseller list for over 100 weeks, sold 7 million copies and spawned a film adaptation
- And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street by Dr Seuss: After 27 rejections, Theodore Geisel had lost hope until he encountered a editor friend
- Catch 22 by Joseph Heller: Rejected 22 times (which is supposedly the reason for the title of this new famous book
- Lord of the Flies by William Golding: Golding faced 20 rejections before finding success with a less critical publisher
Other rejected authors include: Agatha Christie, L. Frank Baum, C.S. Lewis, Dan Brown, Beatrix Potter, Judy Blume, Kenneth Grahame, Sylvia Plath, Jack Kerouac, John Le Carre, Ursula K. LeGuin, J. D. Salinger, Meg Cabot, Alice Walker, H. G. Wells, Herman Melville, George Orwell, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Louisa May Alcott, Mary Shelley, Joseph Helier, Richard Adams, Vladimir Nabokov, Paulo Coelho and The Diary of Anne Frank 

To me, this says the said publishers don't actually know what they are looking for, what will be popular and therefore what they should accept and/or reject.

A suggestion further demonstrated by the fact that an experiment conducted in 2007 showed that Jane Austen would even struggle to be published nowadays(!)

Thankfully nowadays there is the option of self-publishing so we run a decreased risk of being without the aforementioned rejected classics. Still, it makes you think how many more there might have been...

Tuesday 30 July 2024

When You're Snoring - !!!NEW!!!

And now a mini parody of a Frank Sinatra classic for all those people who are sick of being kept awake at night.

When You're Smiling When You're Snoring not by Frank Sinatra 

Oh when you’re snoring, when you’re snoring
The whole world scowls at you
And when you’re snorting, when you’re snorting
The hatred comes glaring through

But when you waking we get a respite
So stop your sleeping baby and make it all alright
But don’t keep on snoring, keep on snoring
Or the whole world will hate you

Make It Stop - !!!NEW!!!

Just got this month's posts in in time.
First a parody song for all those people who are sick of a certain Disney song.

Let It Go Make It Stop not from Frozen

It’s been so long since we first heard that song
But yet still it haunts our dreams
A single lone repetition
Makes me feel I want to scream

The tune is endless like a never ceasing tide
Even when it’s gone it’s still deep inside
Don't want to think, don't want to know
Just how those familiar lyrics go
Implore “no more” don't let it stay
‘Cause now I say

Make it stop, make it stop
Can't stand that thing anymore
Make it stop, make it stop
Every sentence I abhor
You may love the message it brings
But think you should know
It would be a mistake to try to sing

Although you might not realise the impact that it has
The thought of hearing it now is something I can’t let pass
It's had its time, it’s had its fun
And also a more than fair run
No more I beg - it’s not for me
Oh please

Make it stop, make it stop
We have heard it one time too much
Make it stop, make it stop
Don’t want any more slush
No more please that tune it stings
Yes think you should know

It might seem like it’s just a cute Disney ditty
But I’m begging of you to please have some pity
Let this time that we hear it be the very last
Let’s put this song to rest and leave it in the past

Make it stop, make it stop
Why won’t it ever go away
Make it stop, make it stop
Hasn’t it now had its day
No more please that tune it stings
Yes think you should know
That is one song you should never sing

Sunday 30 June 2024

From The Mind of Merc - Elections

Sometimes I find my mind wandering over various eclectic topics and occasionally I am inspired to write some of them down. Today I was thinking about elections.

One of the main things that always worries about elections when you have a perceptibly awful option that people presume that awful option doesn’t stand a chance and consequently they don’t bother to vote. Whenever people do that, that awful option regrettably stands an incredibly good chance.

The most memorable example of this for me (aside from the 2016 US Presidential election) will always be the 2002 French Presidential election. For this, the options were the incumbent Jacques Chirac, his sidekick, Lionel Jospin, and National Front candidate, Jean-Marie Le Pen. It was believed Le Pen didn’t stand a chance – who wants a fascist for President, right? – so the French people think they needed to vote. The result was Le Pen beat Jospin in the preliminary election to get through to the final round of voting. This shocked the French into action and Chirac won by a landslide but their initial laissez-faire attitude nearly meant a fascist taking control of their government.

In Britain we face the apparently obvious choice of Sunak and his self-serving, elitist cronies – who have crippled this country with their obscenely apparent money-grabbing ways – or frankly anyone else. Yet it is not a foregone conclusion that they won’t win. Aside from the fact that people still doubt Starmer’s credentials mean he’s a better option (even though it’s meant to be about policies not people and not a popularity contest), the polls confidently predicting Labour success  has the potential to produce the exact opposite effect to that it intends (as I fear).

Also, a big difference between us and the French election is the French get 2 goes – we don’t – that’s why we have to make it count.

So, on July 4th, it’s imperative we learn from the almost-mistake of the French. Whether or not the think the Tories stand a chance (and regardless of thoughts or opinion of Starmer and his promises), in order to make sure the Sunak et al aren’t allowed to continue running this country into the ground like it’s their own personal piggy bank – you must go out and vote. If you don’t, their supporters will – just like Le Pen’s.

- Never take election results for granted.
- Never assume you don’t need to vote to get the result you want/expect.
- Never let those who are out to serve themselves be allowed to continue in their way unchecked and unchallenged.

And, as a helpful hint, try this website to help get the Tories out:

Tuesday 25 June 2024

You Wanna Get Out Of This State - !!!NEW!!!

And a message to those fed-up with 14 years of Tory misrule.

We Gotta Get Out Of This Place You Wanna Get To Get Out Of This State not by The Animals 
In this rundown old wreck of a country
Where we lived not just survived
And being poor din’t mean you’re deprived 

But the Tories they got control and
They held on for fourteen years
To bring to life all of our great fears (you know)

Now the NHS is strugglin’
And prices keep goin’ up        
It seems that food banks are our only backup, oh yes you know it

Gov’ment’s working so hard
But not workin' for you, honey (no!)
You know that it’s true (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!) 

You wanna get out of this state?
Then there’s just one thing you gotta do
You wanna get out of this state?
Then know that when the day comes just don’t vote blue

‘Cause the Tories they got control and
They held on for fourteen years
To bring to life all of our great fears (you know)

Now the NHS is strugglin’
And prices keep goin’ up        
It seems that food banks are our only backup, oh yes you know it

You know gov’ment’s workin' so hard
Not for you baby (yeah!)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!) 

You wanna get out of this state?
Then there’s just one thing you gotta do
You wanna get out of this state?
Then know that when the day comes just don’t vote blue

No don’t baby
You know you know it, baby

You wanna get out of this state?
Then there’s just one thing you gotta do
You wanna get out of this state?
Then know that when the day comes just don’t vote blue

Believe me baby
I know it baby
You know it too

Thursday 20 June 2024

F*ck You - !!!NEW!!!

There's a distinctive theme to this month's posts - but a worthy one I feel - starting with a message for Mr Sunak.

F*ck You not by Lily Allen
Look at it, look at all of the shambles that you have created
We are all so fed up
Of the lies you make up and that’s why we’re frustrated 

‘Cause you say that it's okay for more pay, unless you’re in NHS
You're an elitist who should be defeatist
Your point of view causes distress

Fuck you (Fuck you), fuck you very, very much
'Cause we hate what you do
And Patel and Truss too
So please don't stay in touch

Fuck you (Fuck you), fuck you very, very much
'Cause you’re so out-of-date
And you’ve screwed the whole state
Go. And don't stay in touch

Do you get, do you get a little kick out of being so heartless?
You want to be like the Churchill, you’re convinced that you are brill
But your campaign is worthless

Do you, do you really enjoy making lives so miserable?
'Cause there's a hole where your soul should be
Your disdain is plain to see, you have proved you’re unable

Fuck you (Fuck you), fuck you very, very much
'Cause we hate what you do
And Rees-Mogg and Raab too
So please don't stay in touch

Fuck you (Fuck you), fuck you very, very much
'Cause you’re so out-of-date
And you’ve screwed the whole state
Go. And don't stay in touch

Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you
Fuck you

You say, you think we need to vote Tory, to fix the mess that you made
But it's people like you that we need to shoo
No one wants you to have stayed

Fuck you (Fuck you), fuck you very, very much
'Cause we hate what you do
Braverman and Hunt too
So please don't stay in touch

Fuck you (Fuck you), fuck you very, very much
'Cause you’re so out-of-date
And you’ve screwed the whole state
Go. And don't stay in touch

Fuck you, fuck you
Fuck you, fuck you
Fuck you, fuck you
Fuck you, fuck you
Fuck you, fuck you
Fuck you, fuck you

Friday 31 May 2024

From The Mind of Merc - The Tudor Dynasty Portrait

Sometimes I find my mind wandering over various eclectic topics and occasionally I am inspired to write some of them down. Today I was thinking about the Dynasty or Succession portrait of Henry VIII which was painted c.1545.

In it, Henry is shown seated between his son, Edward, and his third wife, Jane Seymour, with his two other daughters – Mary and Elizabeth – depicted either side of the painting.

What is perhaps odd about this is that, at the time, Henry was actually married to Catherine Parr – his sixth wife. Although the replacement can be understandable given that Jane was the mother of Edward – his one son and heir – what intrigued me was Jane’s clothing.

The most well-known image of Jane Seymour is the ornate and detailed portrait by Hans Holbein the Younger which shows her attired in a rich red velvet gown whereas in the dynasty portrait she wears what is presumably a cloth of gold gown.

While there is a secondary posthumous image of Jane dressed in a gold gown, there is also a portrait of Catherine Parr (previously misidentified as Lady Jane Grey) in which she wears clothing which bears a striking resemblance to that worn by Jane Seymour in the dynasty painting – gold gown with ermine(?) sleeves and a red kirtle and foresleeves – even the pendant is identical (although this is likely due to it probably being a piece from the queen’s jewellery). 

Given the date of this portrait is also c.1545, it suggests that it is Catherine who is being depicted in – and presumably who sat for – the image and Jane’s head was superimposed at Henry’s instruction(?) – i.e. if the gold gown was not a hand-me-down to Catherine from a previous queen, then it is an item that belonged to, and was worn, by her and not Jane.

Associated with this is the fact that Jane and Catherine share several striking similarities:-
1.       Both women married Henry VIII (obviously) after his previous wife was executed:
       -      Jane’s marriage was on 30th May 1536 – 11 days after Anne Boleyn’s execution)
       -      Catherine’s marriage was on 12th July 1543 – 5 months after Catherine Howard’s execution)

2.       They both faced uncertainty and danger during their time as queen (and both ‘learned their lesson’):
       -      Jane attempted to speak up for the rebels of the Pilgrimage of Grace and was told to “Remember Anne” – she did and refrained from repeating her ‘error’
       -      Catherine had an arrest warrant issued for her following an argument – fortunately she learned of this and was able to dissuade the king from enacting it
3.       Both had only 1 child:
       -      Jane’s son, Edward, was born 12th October 1537
       -      Catherine’s daughter, Mary, was born 30th August 1548
4.       They both died shortly after the birth of their only child – presumably of ‘childbed’ or puerperal fever:
       -      Jane died 12 days after the birth of her son on 24th October 1537
       -      Catherine died 6 days after the birth of her daughter on 5th September 1548
5.       Both of their children died young:
       -      Edward died aged 15 on 6th July 1553
       -      Mary is believed to have died around the age of 2 as no record of her exists after this time
6.       And, finally, they effectively ended up being related given Catherine’s last husband was Thomas Seymour – Jane’s brother.

Thursday 23 May 2024

Fitzroy Fitzroy

And here's the second - reverting to my familiar Tudor theme and reusing a Bowie classic.

Rebel Rebel Fitzroy Fitzroy not by David Bowie
Doo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo 

Born the son of King Henry eight
Was thrilled with you he thought you were so great
A son, that’s just the thing
A son, to please this king
Needs a prince, for the fam’ly line
Just a daughter after all this time
Then you come and he claims to know
Exactly where the blame should go
It must be down to Aragon
You just watch, soon she’ll be gone

Fitzroy Fitzroy, the king’s bastard
Fitzroy Fitzroy, you’re his flesh and blood
Fitzroy Fitzroy, a shining star
Duke of Richmond you are!

Oh yeah!
Doo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo

Born the son of King Henry eight
Was thrilled with you he thought you were so great
A son, that’s just the thing
A son, to please this king
Needs a prince, for the fam’ly line
Just a daughter after all this time
Then you come and he claims to know
Exactly where the blame should go
It must be down to Aragon
You just watch, soon she’ll be gone

Fitzroy Fitzroy, the king’s bastard
Fitzroy Fitzroy, you’re his child preferred/flesh and blood
Fitzroy Fitzroy, a shining star
Duke of Richmond you are!

Oh yeah!
Doo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo

Fitzroy Fitzroy, the king’s bastard
Fitzroy Fitzroy, you’re his flesh and blood
Fitzroy Fitzroy, a shining star
Duke of Richmond you are!

The king’s bastard, his flesh and blood
The one he accepts, the one he thinks is good
Because you proved that he could father sons
He’ll give you titles and money and land
Who knows what other things the king has planned
You’re the king’s bastard
And you’re his child preferred
Because you’re his flesh and blood
But it won’t be long
Until your swan song

‘Cause soon you’ve got to go
A short lived child, uh-huh, uh-huh
Soon you’ve gotta go
When you are just nineteen, you’ll have to leave the scene
You’re the king’s bastard
And you’re his flesh and blood
Ooh, you’re his flesh and blood
Ooh, ooh, but you’ve got to go
Eh, eh, you’ve got to go
Eh, eh

Friday 10 May 2024

Six Fingered Killer - !!!NEW!!!

Welcome to the first of May's posts. And here we have a number which I first heard on the Goon Show reworked to reference a classic cult villain.

Three Handed Woman Six Fingered Killer not by Louis Prima
He’s a six fingered killer, a six fingered killer
He’s got a thumb, a pinkie, (and) four other fingers too
He’s a six fingered killer and you know just what to do
Yeah he’s a six fingered killer and he ain’t done good to you 

When you were just a child he came to visit your home
He’d heard about the skills your dad spent years trying to hone
He wanted a brand new sword and they agreed on a price
But when he came back to get it, he was not so nice.

He’s a six fingered killer and you know just what to do
Yeah he’s a six fingered killer and he ain’t done good to you

He wanted his new sword but, he didn’t want to pay it’s worth
When your dad refused he stabbed him and left him there in the dirt
You tried to get your own back but he won and he left you scarred
But you still seek your revenge for it from Humperdinck’s guard

He’s a six fingered killer and you know just what to do
Yeah he’s a six fingered killer and he ain’t done good to you

Now with Westley and with Fezzik you’ve a chance to right the wrong
For thinking that your dad would let it just go for a song
He turned your whole world upside down, now it’s time he paid his due
So take that sword he won’t pay for and then run him through

Yeah he’s a six fingered killer and he ain’t done good to you
You’ve no money, no power, but you can start anew

Tuesday 30 April 2024

From The Mind of Merc - Getting Old

And April's

Sometimes I find my mind wandering over various eclectic topics and occasionally I am inspired to write some of them down. Today I was thinking about turning 40 - which I'll be doing on Saturday.

I always say I favour Dave Allen's approach to ageing. So I thought I'd share that.

Raleigh's Cloak sketch

And here's the second of April's posts dealing with an infamous anecdote of Sir Walter Raleigh. 

Raleigh: Your majesty.
Elizabeth: Oh, hello, Sir Walter.
Raleigh: What an honour to see you out and about, my queen. Especially on such an inclement day as this.
Elizabeth: Yes, it is rather bleak, isn’t it?
Raleigh: Ah! A puddle! And right in your path. Fear not, my lady – I will save you.
<whips off cloak and lays it over puddle>
Elizabeth: That’s it, is it?
Raleigh: Your majesty?
Elizabeth: How’s that supposed to help?
Raleigh: Well, I… I thought it might prevent your feet from getting wet. After all, they must have cost a fortune.
Elizabeth: They did. But I still don’t see how that’s going to help?
Raleigh: But, my queen, how could it not?
Elizabeth: Particularly thick, your cloak?
Raleigh: Well, not especially, your majesty. I mean, it’s just a capelet. So…
Elizabeth: Thicker than that puddle?
Raleigh: Probably not.
Elizabeth: So how is your laying it over it supposed to stop me getting my feet wet?
Raleigh: Well,… it might help them get a bit less wet.
Elizabeth: Also – what’s to stop me doing this?
Raleigh: What?
Elizabeth: This! Just walking around the puddle. Not exactly massive, is it?
Raleigh: Well, no. But you have to admit, your majesty – it is a bit of an inconvenience to have to do that.
Elizabeth: Not that much. Oh, and also, Sir Walter, may I just point one thing out.
Raleigh: What?
Elizabeth: This never happened.
Raleigh: Oh, I understand, your majesty. Not a word of it shall pass my lips. I shall take it to my grave…
Elizabeth: No, I mean – this never happened. You never laid your cloak over a puddle for me. The whole story’s apocryphal.
Raleigh: Is it?
Elizabeth: I’m afraid so.
Raleigh: Oh.
<disappears in a puff of logic>

Bear Hunt sketch

Here is the first of April's posts. You can probably guess from the title what the inspiration is. 

Reporter: So you join us today for a very exciting expedition. I’m here with David Nattybarrow the renowned horticultural and nature expert. So tell us, David, what’s the plan for today.
David: Well, today, we’re going on a bear hunt!
Reporter: Really?
David: Yes! And we’re going to catch a big one.
Reporter: Well, I have to say you’ve picked a beautiful day for it.
David: Yep. And we’re confident we’ll succeed – we’re not scared. Right. Let’s go.
Reporter: Ok. This way folks. As I say, it’s a very thrilling trip we’re on today and… oh, we seem to have stopped. Why have we stopped, David?
David: Take a look.
Reporter: Uh oh.
David: Exactly. We seem to have come to some grass. Some long wavy grass.
Reporter: It doesn’t look like we can go over it.
David: No. and we can’t go under it.
Reporter: So what do we do?
David: Well, it looks like we’ll have to go through it.
Reporter: Right. Here we go! I say, this is very very long grass, isn’t it?
David: Yes. But at least we’re through now.
Reporter: Good. So we can continue on our bear hunt
David: Absolutely. And we’re going to catch big one. Did already say that?
Reporter: You might have done.
David: What a beautiful day.
Reporter: And we’re still not scared because… what’s wrong? Why have we stopped? Uh oh.
David: Yes – we’ve come to a river.
Reporter: I say, it does look very deep.
David: And cold.
Reporter: Mmm. And we can’t go over it?
David: No. and we can’t go under it.
Reporter: So…?
David: We’ll have to go through it.
Reporter: Right. Hup!
Reporter: Ooh! It is cold.
David: Yup. But it’s what you run the risk of when you’re going on a bear hunt.
Reporter: And you’re still confident you’re going to catch a big one on this beautiful day.
David: Definitely. We’re not scared. It’s just… uh oh.
Reporter: What?
David: Mud.
Reporter: What?
David: Thick, oozy mud.
Reporter: Oh dear. And we can’t go over it
David: No. And we can’t go under it.
Reporter: Let me guess.
David: Yup. We’ve got to go through it.
Reporter: Right. I say, it is terribly thick mud.
David: Yes. But at least we’re through it now.
Reporter: Yes. Back on the bear hunt.
David: And we’re going to catch a big one.
Reporter: So you said. Lucky it’s still a beautiful day.
David: And it definitely that we’re not scared. Except…
Reporter: What?
David: Well, look there.
Reporter: Uh oh. A forest.
David: Yes. A big, dark forest.
Reporter: Well, I suppose that was to be expected.
David: Yes, but we can’t go over it and we can’t go under it.
Reporter: So…we’ve got to go through it.
David: Yup. So we’d better get. Waah!
Reporter: What happened?
David: I tripped.
Reporter: Oh. Waah!
David: What was that?
Reporter: I tripped too.
David: Phew! Getting a bit risk this bear hunt.
Reporter: But at least you’re going to catch a big one.
David: And it’s such a beautiful day.
Reporter: Even if you couldn’t see it in that forest.
David: Well, even so, we’re not scared. And…uh oh?
Reporter: What is it?
David: A snowstorm.
Reporter: …A snowstorm.
David: Yup.
Reporter: On a bear hunt.
David: It appears so.
Reporter: Is this a polar bear hunt?
David: And it’s a swirling whirling snowstorm.
Reporter: Let me guess – we can’t go over it and we can’t go under it.
David: Nope – we’ve got to go through it.
Reporter: Very weird microclimate this.
David: True. But, as I say, got to expect the unexpected when you’re going on a bear hunt
Reporter: When you’re going to catch a big one
David: Exactly. Even if it seemed like a beautiful day. We’re not scared.
Reporter: Well, at least that’s over. So where are we now?
David: Uh oh.
Reporter: What?
David: A cave.
Reporter: Well, I would have thought that’s what we were looking for, aren’t we?
David: Yes. But it’s a narrow, gloomy cave.
Reporter: So I see. And we can’t go over it.
David: Nope.
Reporter: And we can’t go under it.
David: Not without some heavy digging equipment.
Reporter: So that means…
David: We’ve got to go through it. Come on. But be quiet.
Reporter: Ok. I’ll tiptoe. I say, it is getting very dark in here. You almost can’t see your hand in front of your…
David: Wait! What’s that?
Reporter: What’s what?
David: That there. It looks like… one shiny wet nose.
Reporter: Two big furry ears.
David: Two big googly eyes.
Reporter: It’s a bear!
David: Quick! Run!
Reporter: Run? But I thought you were looking for a…
David: Never mind that now. Back through the cave! Tiptoe! Back through the snowstorm! Blooming heck – that’ s cold. Back through the forest! Waah! Stupid branches. I… Waah! Back through the mud!
Reporter: This’ll never come off my suit.
David: Well, you can wash it off going back through the river! Quick!
Reporter: Ooh! That’s still cold.
David: And you can dry it off going back through the grass! Oh - at last we’re back at the front door. I’ll just open it. Quick get in!
Reporter: But surely the bear’s not going to…
David: Can’t take any chances. Go on! Up the stairs. And… oh no.
Reporter: You  forgot to shut the door.
David: I forgot?
Reporter: Stay here. I’ll just back downstairs to shut the door. Right. Back upstairs. Into the bedroom. Come on, quick!
David: The bedroom?
Reporter: No time to argue – safest place in the whole house.
David: Into the bed.
Reporter: Now hang on – I’m not that kind of reporter.
David: And I’m not that kind of horticulturalist. Trust me, the bed’s the safest place. The bear’ll never find us here.
Reporter: Oh, alright. Well, that was quite an interesting experience.
David: Yes. And I’ll tell you one thing.
Reporter: What.
David: We’re not going on a bear hunt again! 

Monday 29 April 2024

From The Mind of Merc - No Trump Allowed

 And March's Mind of Merc post.

Sometimes I find my mind wandering over various eclectic topics and occasionally I am inspired to write some of them down. Today I was thinking about a message and an image that needs to be everywhere - especially on the White House.

Baseball sketch

And here's the second of the March posts highlighting some interesting similarities between two sports. 

Mr Sports: So Mr Yank – I understand you’ve got an idea for a new sport.
Mr Yank: Yes – I have. And I call it… Baseball!
Mr Sports: Uh-huh. So how does it work exactly?
Mr Yank: Well, you have 2 teams of nine players who take turn at batting and fielding. The game starts when a player on the fielding team – called the pitcher – throws a ball that a player on the batting team tries to hit with a bat.
Mr Sports: Right. Then what?
Mr Yank: If the batter hits the ball then he has to try and run around four bases and getting back to the start before the fielding team have a chance to pass the ball back to one of the men on the bases. If the batter succeeds he’s scored a run. And if the fielding team succeed then the batter is ‘out’.
Mr Sports: Uh-huh. If you don’t mind me saying so, Mr Yank, this does sound a lot like another game we already have on our books called ‘Rounders’.
Mr Yank: Oh, no, no, no – this one is completely different.
Mr Sports: Are you sure? Seems pretty similar – batter, bowler – or as you say pitcher – four bases, a bat…
Mr Yank: They’re just coincidences.
Mr Sports: Pretty big ones.
Mr Yank: Well, yes, but as I say they are still completely different games. For starters in ‘baseball’ the bat they use is considerably bigger – like 24 inches bigger.
Mr Sports: So 42 inches? Even though a rounders bat is only 18 inches.
Mr Yank: I know. Which will mean they need to use 2 hands to hit it.
Mr Sports: It’ll also make it considerably easier for them to hit it.
Mr Yank: Well, not necessarily. That’s why they’re allowed 3 goes to hit it.
Mr Sports: 3 goes?
Mr Yank: Yes.
Mr Sports: They don’t just try to hit it and if they miss just run anyway so everyone gets a turn quicker.
Mr Yank: Well, they want to stand the best chance of not getting ‘out’.
Mr Sports: I suppose that makes sense.
Mr Yank: There’s also a difference to the uniforms for some of the players. For example, the catcher…
Mr Sports: Who’s the catcher?
Mr Yank: The player who catches the ball if the batter misses.
Mr Sports: Oh, the backstop.
Mr Yank: Er… well, anyway, the catcher wears this.
Mr Sports: Wow. That’s quite a lot of padding.
Mr Yank: Well, those balls are very hard. Some pitchers…
Mr Sports: Bowlers.
Mr Yank: Are able to throw the ball up to 95 mph.
Mr Sports: 95… That’s quite impressive for an underarm throw.
Mr Yank: Oh, no – this is overarm.
Mr Sports: Overarm?
Mr Yank: Yes. See – another difference.
Mr Sports: Well, I can certainly see why they’d need the padding.
Mr Yank: As do the fielders – as the pitch is around 90 metres, the batter needs to hit the ball 100 metres to ensure he can get round all 4 bases.
Mr Sports: So it’s not just the bat that’s bigger.
Mr Yank: Exactly.
Mr Sports: Hmm. Does the word overcompensating mean anything to you?
Mr Yank: Er… no, sir.
Mr Sports: Maybe you should look it up. However, I still can’t see there’s a significant difference. It seems to me you’ve taken an existing game, modified it slightly and given it a new name.
Mr Yank: A very good name, sir.
Mr Sports: But it’s still a batting team and a fielding team.
Mr Yank: Yes.
Mr Sports: And they’re still running around 4 bases.
Mr Yank: Yes.
Mr Sports: And the opposing team is still trying to get the ball to get them ‘out’.
Mr Yank: Yes.
Mr Sports: But you still think it’ll catch on, do you?
Mr Yank: Absolutely.
Mr Sports: Huh. Well, I guess we can give it a shot. Who knows – it might become our favourite pastime.

Crufts sketch

So a hospital trip and an operation have meant my blog posts have somewhat fallen to the wayside. I'm now trying to catch up so here is the first of March's posts - both of which are a nod to/inspired by Bob Newhart's famous monologue skits.

Hello? Kennel Club? Mr Cruft. What can I do for you today? You- you say you’ve got a brilliant new idea for us? Uh-huh. And what is that?... A dog show. Not- not to sound harsh, Mr Cruft, but er…that’s not exactly a new idea…No. You see, there are several types of dog show that already exist. You know – like the ones for herding, hunting, guarding… Yes. So what- what exactly will the dogs in your show be required to do?...Absolutely nothing. And- and you think that’ll draw a crowd, do you? …Ev- everybody loves a dog. Well, I suppose that’s er… that’s mostly true, Mr Cruft. So what will the entrants be judged on?... Whether they look like a dog. Er… are you… are you planning to allow cats to enter or something?... Then why wouldn’t they look like dogs, Mr Cruft?...It depends which dog looks most like a dog. And how do we determine that, Mr Cruft?... Did- did you say you’ve drawn a picture? You- you’ve drawn a picture of a dog. And the winner of the competition will be the dog that looks most like your picture. Have- have you heard of a thing called breeds, Mr Cruft?... Oh, you have. So do you have different pictures for different breeds or…? That’s not necessary. Are you sure about that? I have to say, I had no idea you were also an artist as well, Mr Cruft so.... You’re not. I see. Er… in that case, can I just ask – this… er… this dog you’ve drawn – does- does it have 2 eyes, 2 ears, 4 legs and a tail?... Well- well, that’s a start I suppose. Yeah. So… so all that has to happen is the dog has to look like a dog?... That you’ve drawn, yeah – I got that. Well, I guess it could help to encourage owners to take good care of their dogs. Ensure safe, healthy breeding to safeguard future generations of… Why are you laughing, Mr Cruft? That’s not the point. Kind of feels like it should be, Mr Cruft. Yeah. It’s all about the money? What money, Mr Cruft?...Oh, there’s an entry fee. I see. Well, I have to admit that… er… that is a good point. Yeah. So are you planning… is there a big prize for the winner? Not really. So what- er- what’s the motivation, Mr Cruft?... Prestige. Yeah, well I- I guess, I guess there is that… And- and because then it’ll be a pedigree. And pedigrees sell for more. Well, er, that- that may be true, Mr Cruft, but uh don’t- don’t you reckon people will also want their dogs to be healthy too? I mean if we’re encouraging inbreeding in order to win this… You don’t think so. Well, I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree on that one, Mr Cruft. Yeah. Er… listen, Mr Cruft – I have to admit I’m kind of worried. I mean, don’t- don’t you think we might get into trouble with the RSPCA?... It’s not like the dogs are fighting each other. Well, that’s true, I guess. But I imagine the owners might end up…er… Can- can I just ask, er, Mr Cruft, er, how did you get into this? I mean,er, what- what made you think of it?...It makes a change from… did- did you say chickens, Mr Cruft? What the hell have chickens got to do with it?... Oh, that’s your background. So how did you get into dogs then, Mr Cruft? Did you- <laughs> did you not like the pay? <laughs> What was it? Chicken feed? <laughs> No – I’m sorry, Mr Cruft. I’m sorry. Well, if- if you think this show of yours is a flyer then you go right ahead and set it up…Yeah. And- er- and if you get any flack from it, just remember – the buck stops with you. What?... Dog then, fine. Goodbye.

Thursday 29 February 2024

From The Mind of Merc - Phrases

And, finally, a Mind of Merc post.

Sometimes I find my mind wandering over various eclectic topics and occasionally I am inspired to write some of them down. Today I was thinking about some phrases I've never understood why they exist.

- Broken home: supposedly this is when a child's parents split up - the home is broken - but surely if the parents stay together when they really really shouldn't then that is actually a broken home
- Thunder thighs: apparently this is a negative thing that implies a woman's thighs are too big - personally I always thought it sounded awesome - like they're the thighs of a thunder goddess!
- Have some balls: this is meant to encourage strength yet balls are soft, vulnerable and a weak point whereas a vagina can bleed for a week each month and survive having a baby push through it

Maybe some of these need to change.

But they're not the only ones:

- Head over heels: supposedly this represents a doing a somersault. But surely it's the normal position to be in . A somersault would be your heels going over your head
- Sleep like a baby: this phrase is meant to mean sleep well. Yet a baby is probably the person least likely to sleep well. If you're sleeping like a baby wouldn't you be waking up every 2 hours crying?
- Dead as a doornail: i.e. completely and definitely passed on. A doornail is a piece of metal - it has never been alive but it is not alone in on that distinction so seems an odd object to pick.

Isn't the English language a peculiar thing?

What A Difference Our Work Makes - !!!NEW!!!

And now another song inspired by my job.

What a Difference A Day Makes What A Difference Our Work Makes not by Dinah Washington 

What a difference our work makes
For victims of (the) crisis
With the increasing prices
We know that times are tough

We’ll reach a day without pain
Though for now we all feel the strain
And all we can see is rain
We’ll make sure you’ve enough

Oh, what a difference our work makes
For the people we support
We might be their last resort
But we just do not care
We’ll still be there
Helping you find what you need to make it through
What a difference our work makes
And the difference is you, is you

We’ll reach a day without pain
Though for now we all feel the strain
And all we can see is rain
We’ll make sure you’ve enough

Oh, what a difference our work makes
For the people we support
We might be their last resort
But we just do not care
We’ll still be there
Helping you find what you need to make it through
What a difference a day makes
And the difference is you, is you, is you

We Will Give Out Meals - !!!NEW!!!

Adopting a new approach to this leap year with all of the month's posts on that extra day!

To start one of two songs I created inspired by my job working for the charity, Fareshare.

I Can See For Miles We Will Give Out Meals not by The Who

We all know times are tough, but no need to cry
We’re here to help you by providing your supplies

We will give out meals and meals and meals and meals and meals
Oh yeah

If you think that you don't know what you will do now to get food
There is something in your deliberations that you need to include

‘Cause we’ve a fact for you
Might come right out of the blue
We’ll help hunger to go
Because don’t you know

We will give out meals and meals
We will give out meals and meals
We will give out meals and meals and meals and meals and meals
Oh yeah

If you do not need food then you still need to listen to what we say
Because you’re the one who can help us swoop in and make sure we save the day

If you’ve some spare cash
Don’t treat it as trash
Because each pound you give
Will help feed 4 kids

We will give out meals and meals
We will give out meals and meals
We will give out meals and meals and meals and meals and meals
Oh yeah

We all that times are tough, but no need to cry
We’re here to help you by providing your supplies

We will give out meals and meals and meals and meals and meals
Oh yeah

The crisis continues but we will never ever fail in our task
We’ll keep fighting the country’s hunger although it’s such a big ask

‘Cause we’ve a fact for you
Might come right out of the blue
We’ll help hunger to go
Because don’t you know

We will give out meals and meals
We will give out meals and meals
We will give out meals and meals and meals and meals and meals
And meals and meals and meals and meals

We will give out meals and meals
We will give out meals and meals
We will give out meals and meals
We will give out meals and meals

Wednesday 31 January 2024

From The Mind of Merc - Immigration

Sometimes I find my mind wandering over various eclectic topics and occasionally I am inspired to write some of them down. Today I was thinking about immigrants.

There is so much hate directed towards them. Yet they are no different every other human being on this planet simply seeking to make a better life for themselves. Who doesn’t want that? Also, being technical, if you go far enough back, everyone is an immigrant (or rather a descendant of an immigrant) to the country they call home.
The hatred seems to be caused by the belief the immigrants drain resources without providing any use or benefit to their new country. When in fact there are numerous cases where this couldn’t be further from the truth: 

1)   Albert Einstein – a man synonymous with the word genius was an immigrant to the United States. Born in Germany, he eventually moved to the US in 1933

2)   Sergey Brin & Jan Koum – the co-founder of Google and the co-founder of Whatsapp originated in Russia and Ukraine respectively.

3)   Steve Chen & Jawed Karim – the co-founders of YouTube were born in Taiwan and East Germany respectively before immigrating to the US

4)   Levi Strauss – take a look at the button of any top quality jean and you’ll most likely see the name of this German born immigrant

5)   Nikola Tesla – an inventor ahead of his time whose creations form the basis for a good part of today’s modern gadgets and who was dedicated to improving the lives of others.

6)   David Ho – born in Taiwan and immigrating to the US at the age of 12, Ho was a pioneer in the understanding and treatment of the HIV/AIDS virus

7)   Elizabeth Blackwell – she fought to become the first female physician in the US as well as campaigning for women’s rights. The hospital she opened still runs today.

8)   Elisabeth Kubler-Ross – this Swiss born psychiatrist faced tough opposition to revolutionise the world’s approach to palliative care

9)   Wafaa El-Sadr – born in Egypt, this global health physician had a mission to help the poor. Founder of ICAP, she is currently an adviser to the World Health Organisation

10) Chien-Shiung Wu – a key member of the Manhattan Project, Chinese Wu was the first woman president of the American Physical Society and received an honorary degree from Princeton

11) Madeline Albright – the first female Secretary of State (and former ambassador to the UN) was born in what is now the Czech Republic and immigrated to the US in 1948

12) Henry Kissinger – one of the US’s foremost political icons, instrumental in shaping US foreign policy, he was born in Germany before his parents came to the US to escape the rise of Nazism

13) Liz Claiborne – this renowned fashion designer hails from Belgium. Her company was the first founded by a woman to make the Fortune 500 list. She is also an active environmentalist

14) Oscar de la Renta – this renowned designer hails from the Dominican Republic yet is patronised by all the biggest names in showbiz and politics

15) Carlos Santana – the founder of Santana was born in Mexico before finding fame and a contract following Woodstock. He has since been awarded a             Lifetime Achievement Award

16) Gloria Estefan – her family immigrated from Cuba to avoid the revolution. They didn’t imagine the move being permanent, yet Gloria went on to become a highly successful solo artist

17) Irving Berlin – the author of God Bless America, along with several other well-loved classics, immigrated to the US from Russia in 1893

18) Igor Stravinksy – this classical composer and creator of the Rite of Spring was born in Russia and after immigrating to the US finished one of his most famous pieces, Symphony in C

19) Bob Marley – moved to the US in 1966 to be near his mother which started his interest in Rastafarianism. No immigration, no Marley music

20) Grace Jones – coming from Jamaica as a small child with her family, Jones broke gender and racial barriers, paving the way for later artists such as Madonna, Bjork and Lady Gaga

21) Eddie van Halen – this all-American rocker was actually born in the Netherlands and immigrated to the US as a child where he eventually wound up in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

22) Ieoh Ming Pei – Chinese born Pei designed that Hall of Fame along with countless other buildings which made him one of the world’s most sought after architects

23) Joseph Pulitzer – Hungarian Pulitzer not only created his eponymous prize but also helped to keep the statue of liberty in New York

24) John Muir – born in Scotland, Muir helped preserve many of the US’s national treasures as well as helping to establish Yosemite National Park

25) Andrew Carnegie – this hardworking businessman, who at one point was the wealthiest person in the US, was also born to a working class family in Scotland

26) Mary Harris Jones – born in Ireland before immigrating to the US, Jones was a champion for unions and workers rights at one time dubbed “the most dangerous woman in the country”

27) Freddy Adu – Ghana born footballer, Adu, was just 14 when he signed his first contract. And he was only able to come to the US because his mother won a green card lottery.

28) Mariano Rivers – one of the most respected pitchers in Major League baseball is an immigrant from Panama. He and his wife are also involved in a lot of philanthropic work.

29) Martina Navratilova and Sharapova – born in the Czech Republic and Russia respectively, both became highly successful tennis players and campaigners

30) Dikembe Mutumbo – this NBA star came from the Congo with a plan to study medicine. Since retiring, he established a foundation to improve the health of people in his home country

31) Dr Ruth Westheimer – Westheimer was born in Germany. Both her parents were killed in the holocaust but she survived to become a renowned sex expert with radio shows and books

32) Hedy Lamarr – once heralded as “the most beautiful woman in the world”, this Austrian born actress developed the technology that led to modern day wifi

33) Natalie Portman – Oscar winning actress, Natalie Portman was born in Israel – the daughter of an American mother and Israeli father – moving to America at the age of 3.

34) Mila Kunis – Another immigrant actress, Kunis was born in Ukraine and when she first came to the US could not speak any English

35) Sofia Vergara – Colombian born Vergara immigrated to the US at the age of 26 and has spoken out about her difficulty in becoming a citizen and the subsequent deportation of her brother

36) Penelope Cruz – Cruz also moved later in life coming to the US from Spain at the age of 20 with a return ticket, which it transpired she didn’t need.

37) Charlize Theron – born in South Africa, Theron moved to the US to pursue a dancing career. When that dream died, she found a new and extremely successful home in the film industry

38) Bruce Willis – action and comedy movie star Willis was born in Germany and overcame a stutter to become one of Hollywood’s leading men

39) Anthony Hopkins – Sir Anthony was born in Wales but chose to make the US his official home in 2000. He was inspired to pursue acting by fellow legendary Welsh thespian, Richard Burton.

40) Jackie Chan – born in Hong Kong, it took a couple of goes for him to achieve fame in the US before eventually achieving success even without ever become fully proficient in English

41) Audrey Hepburn – born the daughter a Dutch baroness in Belgium, Hepburn moved to the UK and the US after the war left her family impoverished and become an iconic actress

42) Guillermo del Toro – one of the most famous filmmakers in the US was born in Mexico and went on to win an Oscar for his 2017 film The Shape of Water

43) Liam Neeson – former Guinness forklift driver Liam Neeson hails from Northern Ireland and came to the US to pursue acting. He is an outspoken advocate for justice for immigrants

44) Maureen O’Hara – this legendary 1940s actress was a fierce campaigner for Irish immigrants ensuring that future citizens could have Irish as an acknowledged nationality

45) Arnold Schwarzenegger – Born in Austria, he has at various times been an actor, model, producer, director, activist, businessman, investor, writer, philanthropist, former professional bodybuilder and, of course, Governor of California.

This is just a handful – there are so much more (Google it – you’ll see) but I think it provides an apt demonstration that it is important to always remember that those who have the most to contribute to this country aren’t always necessarily born within its borders. 

There is also the fact that this misplaced hatred seems to be based on a misconception (and in fact could be said to be an example of gaslighting by a money-grabbing government) which I feel can be best exploded with these memes.