Friday 10 May 2024

Six Fingered Killer - !!!NEW!!!

Welcome to the first of May's posts. And here we have a number which I first heard on the Goon Show reworked to reference a classic cult villain.

Three Handed Woman Six Fingered Killer not by Louis Prima
He’s a six fingered killer, a six fingered killer
He’s got a thumb, a pinkie, (and) four other fingers too
He’s a six fingered killer and you know just what to do
Yeah he’s a six fingered killer and he ain’t done good to you 

When you were just a child he came to visit your home
He’d heard about the skills your dad spent years trying to hone
He wanted a brand new sword and they agreed on a price
But when he came back to get it, he was not so nice.

He’s a six fingered killer and you know just what to do
Yeah he’s a six fingered killer and he ain’t done good to you

He wanted his new sword but, he didn’t want to pay it’s worth
When your dad refused he stabbed him and left him there in the dirt
You tried to get your own back but he won and he left you scarred
But you still seek your revenge for it from Humperdinck’s guard

He’s a six fingered killer and you know just what to do
Yeah he’s a six fingered killer and he ain’t done good to you

Now with Westley and with Fezzik you’ve a chance to right the wrong
For thinking that your dad would let it just go for a song
He turned your whole world upside down, now it’s time he paid his due
So take that sword he won’t pay for and then run him through

Yeah he’s a six fingered killer and he ain’t done good to you
You’ve no money, no power, but you can start anew

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