Tuesday 30 July 2024

Make It Stop - !!!NEW!!!

Just got this month's posts in in time.
First a parody song for all those people who are sick of a certain Disney song.

Let It Go Make It Stop not from Frozen

It’s been so long since we first heard that song
But yet still it haunts our dreams
A single lone repetition
Makes me feel I want to scream

The tune is endless like a never ceasing tide
Even when it’s gone it’s still deep inside
Don't want to think, don't want to know
Just how those familiar lyrics go
Implore “no more” don't let it stay
‘Cause now I say

Make it stop, make it stop
Can't stand that thing anymore
Make it stop, make it stop
Every sentence I abhor
You may love the message it brings
But think you should know
It would be a mistake to try to sing

Although you might not realise the impact that it has
The thought of hearing it now is something I can’t let pass
It's had its time, it’s had its fun
And also a more than fair run
No more I beg - it’s not for me
Oh please

Make it stop, make it stop
We have heard it one time too much
Make it stop, make it stop
Don’t want any more slush
No more please that tune it stings
Yes think you should know

It might seem like it’s just a cute Disney ditty
But I’m begging of you to please have some pity
Let this time that we hear it be the very last
Let’s put this song to rest and leave it in the past

Make it stop, make it stop
Why won’t it ever go away
Make it stop, make it stop
Hasn’t it now had its day
No more please that tune it stings
Yes think you should know
That is one song you should never sing

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