Friday 31 July 2015

From The Mind of Merc – Disney Part 1: Lessons

Sometimes I find my mind wandering over various eclectic topics and occasionally I am inspired to write some of them down. Today I was thinking about the bad lessons Disney teaches girls.
I will just clarify that I am a HUGE Disney fan – what little girl doesn’t want to be a Disney princess – but it cannot be denied that Disney does send some terrible messages to children.
(And I’m not talking about the letters ‘SFX’ appearing displaced by Simba when he collapses on the cliff edge or the priest’s *ahem* knee in Little Mermaid)

For example, here are 12 bad lesson Disney teaches girls:

Lesson no. 1: Makeovers fix everything (Cinderella)
Lesson no. 2: Change who you are to be with a man (Little Mermaid)
Lesson no. 3: It’s ok to be with a man who molests you while you sleep (Sleeping Beauty, Snow White)
Lesson no. 4: Stay with a man who mistreats you (Beauty and the Beast)
Lesson no. 5: Wait to be rescued (Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Aladdin, Tangled)
Lesson no. 6: Liars can be trusted (Aladdin, Tangled)
Lesson no. 7: Let someone else make all your decisions for you (Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty)
Lesson no. 8: Ignore your parents’ advice (Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Pocahontas, Tangled)
Lesson no. 9: Magic is the only way to get what you want – hard work counts for nought (Cinderella, Aladdin, Little Mermaid, Princess & the Frog)
Lesson no. 10: Marrying someone you just met is a great idea (Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Little Mermaid, etc....)
Lesson no. 11: You have to be stunningly beautiful and/or a princess to be happy – this includes having a waist thinner than your head)
Lesson no. 12: Keep holding out for your prince – even if it means kissing a lot of frogs (how many Disney men aren’t princes?)
Additional note: he must be handsome and rich

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