Tuesday 4 August 2015

Confrontation - !!!NEW!!!

A friend of mine has often commented on the similiarities between the musical Les Miserables and the 1993 film The Fugitive. So I decided to create a parody song mixing the two together and combining the song 'Confrontation' between Valjean and Javert and the infamous dam standoff between Kimble and Gerard.

Confrontation not from Les Miserables or The Fugitive
Kimble, at last,
I have you in my sights
Don’t dare to move
It’s the end of your plight

Before you decide to shoot me, Gerard

Before you send me back to face certain death
Listen to me! For I did not kill my wife.
I found her body when I returned home

I was sentenced to death that’s why I ran,
Found that I was left to carry the blame,

To clear my name, I need to find the man
Please let me go,
I’m innocent.
Please let me go...

I cannot do that!
I've been ordered to bring you in
Kimble you are a fugitive
Kimble... I don’t care...

Gerard (in counterpoint):                     Kimble (in counterpoint)
I must do what I must do                    You say that but I know more
You must do what you must do
No, No, Richard Kimble
                       I know it’s your job to ensure justice
That’s not what my job is                    You must know my true story
You’re a convict                                    When I found my wife was dead
I must arrest you, Richard Kimble       Tried to tell the cops the truth
Hands up now and on your knees      They choose to try me instead
Do it man but slowly now                     I’m not going to go so easily
I don’t want to know your tale            Won’t let you take me, Gerard
Not interested in your lies                    Been one step ahead so far
Each crook who thinks they can run  Not prepared to give in yet
Each crook who from justice flies        I will stay on the run
Underestimate Gerard                            I think you should know, Gerard
I am soon upon their trail                     I am a man on the edge
Always get my man it’s true!               If you choose to force my hand
And see now I have caught you!        I'll do what must be done!

[Kimble turns and looks out over the dam.]

Kimble: As you won’t listen to my voice

Gerard: Kimble - don’t do what you’re thinking

Kimble: Though I can understand your doubt

Gerard: Do not be stupid - think it through

Kimble: You’ve left me with no other choice.

Kimble & Gerard: The dam is my/your only way out!

[He jumps. Gerard runs forward to look. Kimble has escaped.]

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