Sunday 19 October 2014

Catch 'Em All - !!!NEW!!!

This parody was created by having 'Sway' repeating in my head over and over again, then hearing someone mentioning Pokemon and my brain noticing how the motto "Catch 'em all" fitted nicely with the part of the song that goes "Make me sway"

Sway (Catch Them) All not by Dean Martin
When Professor says the game is on
Gotta catch, Pokemon
When you've caught them you must train them too
Help them learn what to do

You've got such a lot of things to do
Before the game is through
You have to become the best of all
Match them well, catch them all

Other trainers may be on the trail
Ash, but they cannot compare to you
It's up to you to defeat them all now
And we'll tell you just how
When you see a pokemon around
Start a fight, bring them down
When they're weak you trap them in the ball
Catch them soon, Catch them all

Other trainers may be on the trail
Ash, but they cannot compare to you
Only you can defeat all of them now
And we'll tell you just how
When you see a pokemon at flight
Send your one out to fight
When they're weak you trap them in the ball
Catch them soon, Catch them all

In the ball
Catch them soon, Catch them all

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