Sunday 27 July 2014

Richard III - Grave Decision sketch (Newsreview)

One of the more recent sketches I penned for Newsjack. Turns out I got the timescale a bit wrong...

Richard: Where on earth am I? Is this…Leicester? What am I doing in Leicester? I’m supposed to be in York – it was all arranged.
Official: Ah well, you see – you died in battle – that changes things.
Richard: Does it?
Official: Yes - it’s all in the small print. Look: All those succumbing to defeat in battle shall forfeit all rights to decide place of burial upon extinction of life force.
Richard: I see – so what does that mean for me?
Official: It means you ended up under a car park in Leicester city centre. But cheer up it could have been worse - at least they found you – poor old Alfred over there – they still haven’t managed to find him.
Richard: Really?
Official: Yes. Now you’ve been found he’s solidified his place as hide-and-seek champ.
Richard: So what do I now?
Official: Well I suggest you go back to your little cubbyhole and wait until they decide what to do with you. Shouldn’t be more than a couple of years.
Richard: A couple of years?!? But I’ve been dead for over 5 centuries! Surely it can’t be that difficult to decide where to put me.
Official: What can you do? Politics.
Richard: Oh well - fingers crossed I end up somewhere nice. Goodnight.
Official: Night.

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