Friday, 28 February 2014

From the Mind of Merc - Gender roles

Sometimes I find my mind wandering over various eclectic topics and occasionally I am inspired to write some of them down. Today’s topic is the social acceptance of gender roles.

Recently I was reading a brief biography of American director Ed Wood and what struck me was the way in which his transvestism was viewed as something unacceptable. True this was in 1950s America but sadly the same opinions still seem to hold sway today. What I struggled to understand is why transvestism (i.e. men wanting to dress up as women) should be viewed any different than the perfectly acceptable idea of tomboys (i.e. women who are more inclined towards stereotypically ‘male’ interests).

When I was younger, one of my friends shunned dresses, jewellery and make-up and decided she preferred to dress up as a boy. To my recollection there was never any problem with this – her parents took the opinion of ‘that’s what she wants to do’ which I think was marvellous. I certainly had no problem with it and just viewed it as who she was.
When she reached her teenage years, this interest gradually faded and she reverted to the more familiar female apparel; however, she has suffered no ‘ill-effects’ from her past decision. She is not confused about her sexuality and is in fact a fully functioning adult in a healthy modern relationship.

To my way of thinking, decisions like those my friend took won’t confuse children and don’t make them any less clear on gender identity. If anything, following such decisions could only serve to give the individual a better grasp of their sexuality and a clearer idea of gender roles as it would effectively give them a chance to explore and better understand said roles.

Just to be clear, I am not advocating alternative lifestyles nor am I an expert in them but I fail to see why there is such abhorrence towards people practising or indulging in lifestyles that make them happy about themselves – particularly in today’s modern times of obsession and insecurity over body image. After all, just as not everyone would choose to be a trainspotter or twitcher not everyone would choose the same career – i.e. there are people who desire to be doctors but would hate to be teachers and vice versa. We would not seek to dictate their profession or pastimes any more than we would want them to dictate ours. If there is a way of living that makes you happy and it’s not hurting anyone else you should be allowed to pursue it.

Forcing an individual (or particularly a child) to follow specific life choices surely causes more harm than good as in enforcing stereotypical views or ‘socially accepted’ gender roles this serves only to repress the individual – doing untold damage both psychologically and interpersonally between the oppressor and the oppressed. Freedom of choice in our society should mean just that.

Another instance that occurs to me took place on a previous trip to a castle in England where children were given the opportunity to dress up as princesses and knights in either tabards or dresses. The ‘jester’ on duty was faced with a young boy (of I would guess about 8 years of age) who declined the opportunity to dress up in one of the tabards and instead requested one of the dresses. The jester was visibly surprised by this but (fair play to him) didn’t attempt to dissuade the boy from his choice and the boy went happily onward with a bright pink dress adorning his Spiderman t-shirt and combat shorts. His parents followed on seemingly observing his actions as a nothing more than a strange choice and certainly not something to be concerned about thus averting any outcry, problems or disturbances and that – to my mind – is what the standard reaction to such choices should be.

Socially accepted gender roles should not mean everything else is socially unacceptable. This is discriminatory and wrong and denigrating to the individual. True there is (has and always will be) the perceived norm but all that deviates from that should not be the perceived abnormality. They are different but they cannot be fairly labelled as wrong or improper; particularly when there are so many cultural variations throughout the world and it is therefore quite possible that an ‘unusual’ choice in one place may be commonplace in another. This ultimately begs the question of why one is ‘right’ and one is ‘wrong’ and also (and perhaps more controversially) how it is possible to decide which is which.

After all, as is endlessly quoted from the bible – we should ‘judge not, lest ye be judged’ – how much easier and infinitely more pleasant would life be if all could live by that simple tenet?

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Speech-wrecker sketch (Part 2) - Mercorabilia

Another entry from the cynical speech wrecker today - this time taking aim at William Wallace's speech from Braveheart.

William Wallace: I am William Wallace! And I see a whole army of my countrymen, here in defiance of tyranny. You've come to fight as free men... and free men you are. What will you do with that freedom? Will you fight?
Veteran: Fight? Against that? No! We will run. And we will live.
William Wallace: Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willing to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM!
Soldier: To be honest I’d be perfectly happy with living for a while.
William Wallace: What?
Soldier: You’re saying our choice is die now or die later – well with all due respect I’ll pick later thanks. I’ve got a wife and kids at home – without me to work on the farm they could starve and then they’ll die too
William Wallace: But they’ll die at the hands of the English!
Soldier: Really? ‘Cause from what I’ve seen they only killed your wife and that’s ‘cause she pissed them off. I don’t think my family’s got any intention of doing that.
William Wallace: So you’re happy to just let them take our freedom?
Soldier: They’ve already taken it! We’ve been under England’s thumb since 1291 – what’s the big deal with changing things now?
William Wallace: Because they’re imposing new rules on us and if we join together we can make a difference.
Soldier: True change can never occur without the support of those in power.
William Wallace: We have the support of the lords.
Soldier: Right – lords whose loyalty is available to the highest bidder.
William Wallace: They are?
Soldier: Look I’m not saying the situation is ideal but you’re honestly asking us to practically commit suicide in the hope that some posh twit hundreds of miles away in London notices it??? And in noticing decides ‘Hmm maybe I’m being too hard on those Scots – maybe I should cut them a break’. Rather than be so outraged at our perceived insolence that he sends an even bigger army to kill even more of us which is what he’s actually more likely to do.
William Wallace: Umm…
Soldier: Thought so. Bye.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Bleak Expectations - !!!NEW!!!

Another radio comedy gem that I’ve found (during my trawls through Radio 4 – via YouTube) is a creation by Mark Evans called ‘Bleak Expectations’, which can only be described as a combination of Charles Dickens and The Goon Show, so I decided it deserved its own parody song

Congratulations Bleak Expectations not by Cliff Richard
Bleak Expectations on the radio station
Hear me tell everyone about the life I’ve led
Bleak Expectations and escapations*
With all that I’ve seen it’s a wonder I’m not dead.

Who could believe I could go from happy and contented
So soon to thinking happiness hadn't been invented
My family and I were so happy with no strife

Then Gently B took over my life

Bleak Expectations on the radio station
Hear me tell everyone about the life I’ve led
Bleak Expectations and escapations
With all that I’ve seen it’s a wonder I’m not dead.

I have overcome and defeated all of his bad plots
Can only hope that one day he’ll be happy with his lot
I’ve lost such good friends but with some been reunited
With Harry my life won’t be blighted

Bleak Expectations on the radio station
Hear me tell everyone about the life I’ve led
Bleak Expectations and escapations
With all that I’ve seen it’s a wonder I’m not dead.

Bleak Expectations on the radio station
Hear me tell everyone about the life I’ve led
Bleak Expectations and escapations
With all that I’ve seen it’s a wonder I’m not dead.
After all these years it’s still a wonder I’m not dead.

*Yes I know ‘escapations’ isn’t a real word but if they can get away with pencocks and iWaxes and other fantastical creations then I think I can be excused escapations

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Ever Afterlife sketch - Mercorabilia

I like the idea of people being reunited with their lost loves after they die. But what occurred to me the other day is: what happens if one of the parties remarries after the first one’s death - how do they decide who they spend the rest of eternity with? Maybe they have to have an agency to sort it all out…

Ever afterlife sketch
Angel: Next please. Hello – my name is the angel Hymen. Welcome to Ever Afterlife – the agency devoted to resolving the disputes of those who remarried in life and have now been reunited with both spouses in death. How can I help you?
Wife 2: Yes – thank you. I…
Wife 1: Do you mind? He was speaking to me. Hello – I hope you can help me. I’m here to discuss my husband.
Wife 2: You mean my husband. I’m the one who’s married to him.
Wife 1: So was I – you’re just his second choice.
Wife 2: Second but best.
Wife 1: He loved me first.
Wife 2: He loved me more.
Angel: Ladies, ladies please. Now is this the gentleman in question? Hello, sir. How are you?
Husband: I…
Wife 1: He’s fine. What are you going to do about us?
Angel: Hmm. So he married you first.
Wife 1: Yes.
Angel: And then he married you second.
Wife 2: Yes. I brought him out of his misery and made him realise life was still worth living.
Wife 1: The misery he experienced when he lost me – the one he loved the most.
Wife 2: He loves me the most. Don’t you, darling?
Husband: I…
Wife 1: Don’t be ridiculous! He loves me the most – he married me first.
Wife 2: Exactly – you had your turn. Now he’s mine. It’s supposed to be ‘til death do you part.
Wife 1: I don’t know if you noticed but we’re both dead.
Wife 2: You died first.
Wife 1: But I married him first so I should get him back.
Husband: But…
Wife 2: Be quiet.
Wife 1: Don’t you talk to him like that!
Wife 2: Don’t you tell me how I can or can’t talk to my husband!
Wife 1: You mean my husband.
Husband: Can I just…?
Wife 1: (simultaneously) No!
Wife 2: (simultaneously) No!
Angel: Ladies. Please – remember this is paradise. Try to behave accordingly.
Wife 1: What about you? Aren’t you supposed to be sorting this out?
Angel: Well - as I see it - you both married this man at some point in your lives.
Wife 1: (simultaneously) Yes.
Wife 2: (simultaneously) Yes.
Angel: And you believe you both have an equal claim to being his one true love.
Wife 2: Well I do – I don’t know about her.
Wife 1: Why you…!
Angel: Now, now. Please. So you now need to decide which of you spends the rest of eternity with him.
Wife 1: (simultaneously) Yes.
Wife 2: (simultaneously) Yes.
Angel: I see. What about you, sir? Which one of these…er…women would you like to spend eternity with?
Wife 2: Well me – obviously.
Wife 1: No - me.
Angel: Ladies! Sir?
Husband: Er…well actually…neither of them.

Monday, 10 February 2014

Cabin Pressure-opoly (!!!NEW!!!)

If you go down to the BBC
You’ll find it allays your fears
If you go down to the BBC
You’ll never believe your ears
For all the crew of MJN Air
In February are gathering there
To record the last Cabin Pressure epi-sode
Ok – so this is a shameless plug for the newly completed final version of my Cabin Pressure-opoly board game which can be found here:
If you’re a Cabin Pressure fan, please check it out or, if you’re not a Cabin Pressure fan, check it out anyway and if you’re wondering what it’s all about try this:

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Speech-wrecker sketch - Mercorabilia

I’m probably alone in this but there have been several occasions where there’s been what supposed to be a really stirring speech in a film etc and I’m left thinking ‘Well I’m not convinced’ and it got me wondering what those scenes would be like if someone with my cynical standpoint was in those scenes to offer their ‘helpful’ perspectives.

Achilles: “Myrmidons, my brothers of the sword. I’d rather fight beside you than any army of thousands. Let no man forget how menacing we are, we are lions! Do you know what’s there, waiting, beyond that beach? Immortality! Take it, it’s yours!”
Soldier: Seriously? Don’t you mean certain death? Have you forgotten that what’s actually there waiting beyond that beach is several thousand Trojan soldiers wanting to hack us to bits for trying to invade their country. How on earth could you define that as ‘immortality’? More like insanity. And you really think we’re lions? A bunch of scared stiff blokes in metal outfits with metal sticks planning to run screaming hysterically at a bunch of other blokes covered in metal and pointing very sharp sticks at us. I think we could only be called lions if said lions had had their brains removed.
And of course you’d rather fight beside us – I mean where are you going to find yourself another army at this late stage? It’s either us or on your own…which actually sounds like a bloody good idea considering you haven’t actually needed us so far to win the battles. So, if it’s all the same to you, I’ll leave it thanks. What time’s the next boat back to Greece?