Sunday 31 May 2015

From The Mind of Merc - Chicken and Egg

Sometimes I find my mind wandering over various eclectic topics and occasionally I am inspired to write some of them down. Today I was thinking about what is generally viewed as the unsolvable issue of the Chicken and Egg.

It seems to many an inescapable riddle as to which came first – was it the chicken or was it the egg?
Personally, I don’t consider this particularly difficult to work out. The answer is the chicken. Problem solved.

If you’re wondering how or why I came to this conclusion then basically, it’s because you would need a chicken to produce an egg (to produce a chicken to produce an egg – ad nauseum).

While it is could be said that you need an egg to get a chicken, without a chicken the egg will not hatch – ergo an egg on its own would be useless/pointless – the chicken would need to be first.

Whether you prefer the creationist view or evolutionist view the same would hold true as in the creationist theory a chicken would have been created along with all the other animals and in an evolutionist view a chicken would have evolved along with all the other animals – i.e. regardless of whether it is a live-young-birthing mammal or an egg-laying bird it would have developed from another organism.

Of course, if I have overlooked a crucial detail in my solution I would be happy to be enlightened.

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