Sunday 22 March 2020

You Give A Little Sneeze - !!!NEW!!!

In light of the current situation, I guess it was unavoidable to write a Coronavirus themed parody song. I doubt it'll be the last. Stay safe!

You Give A Little Love You Give A Little Sneeze not from Bugsy Malone
We could have gone anywhere that we wanted to go
But now at home we must stay
To stop the virus we’ll all do our bit
And to help the world we all will self-isolate

We could have gone anywhere that we wanted to go
But now that’s too dangerous
Don’t complicate it
We’ll all tolerate it
And stay at home without a fuss

We could have gone anywhere that we wanted to go
But now they’re saying we can’t,
Everything’s closing, it’s very imposing
But still we will do our best to stay safe

Do not be a dunce
You might think you’re safe but
All it takes is just once

Stay safe

Don’t shake any hands
Because that’s how it spreads
You must try to understand

No doubt about it
It must be worthwhile
Please don’t empty
The entire aisle

We could have gone anywhere that we wanted to go
But now that’s too dangerous
Don’t complicate it
We’ll all tolerate it
And stay at home without a fuss

You give a little sneeze and they all run away from you
A a a a a a a (choo)
Don’t wanna be contaminated by a selfish person like you
Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah

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