Wednesday 24 September 2014

We Don't Want No Reformation - !!!NEW!!!

Ok - so I will admit that this piece came about when I was letting some lyrics wander through my mind and they kind of got distorted and started to sound like something else - which I pursued and created this:

We Can't Get No Satisfaction We Don’t Want No Reformation not by The Rolling Stones
We don't want no reformation
We don't want no reformation
They will try and they’ll try and we’ll cry and we’ll cry
We don't want no, we don't want no
Well I'm workin’ in my home
And this man comes to the town square
He's spoutin’ out Thomas More
And then some useless information
Supposed to fuel my indignation
We don't want no, oh no, no, no
Nay, nay, nay, that's what we say
We don't want no reformation
We don't want no reformation
They will try and they’ll try and we’ll cry and we’ll cry
We don't want no, we don't want no
Well I'm prayin’ in latin
And a man comes up and tells me
What faith I should now be
But he can't be holy 'cause he doesn't
The same languages/services as me
We don't want no, oh no, no, no
A nay, nay, nay, that's what we say
We don't want no reformation
We want transubstantiation
They will try and they’ll try and we’ll cry and we’ll cry
We don't want no, we don't want no
Well I'm headin’ off to church
And I'm arrested for attemptin’ that
And I'm tryin' to make some guy
Believe maybe he’s on the wrong track, his time’s ill spent
Cause you see I’ll never repent
We don't want no, oh no, no, no
A nay, nay, nay, that's what we say

We don't want no, we don't want no
We don't want no reformation, no reformation
no reformation, no reformation
We don’t want no

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