Monday 24 March 2014

It's Monday - !!!NEW!!!

Today's creation is a parody song for those who (like me) struggle to get up in the mornings - particularly on Monday mornings when staying in a nice warm bed seems infinitely preferable.

You Found Me It's Monday not by Kelly Clarkson
Look at the time
Yes it’s right
You’ve got to wake up right now
Just don’t care (if) you’re comfy there
You’ve still got to wake up somehow
That’s what it's like
When it gets bright
(At the) start of the week

It’s Monday
So get up off your backside
Cannot be late - so much work to do
Yes, it’s Monday
No time for confusion
Get up, don’t lie down
Your warm bed you must leave
It might seem too hard but you’ve no choice you see
It’s Monday
It’s Monday

Had a quick shower
Baths take an hour
Maybe you’ll have one later
Time for some food
You’re in the mood
For some pancakes with syrup too
Look at the time
Guess toast will be fine
Still can't believe

It’s Monday
That means the weekend’s over
Went by so quick but what can you do?
Yes, it’s Monday
No time for television
‘Cause time’s ticking by
And now you have to leave
Seems like it’s harsh but you’ve still no choice you see
It’s Monday
It’s Monday

Time for some driving
So get in the car
Tell yourself it’s not that far
It’s Monday
Really got to get movin’
Didn't you know?
Didn't you know?

It’s Monday
Not Saturday or Sunday
Don’t kid yourself you’ve one more day left
Yes, it’s Monday
Used up all your free time
The office awaits
(It’s) not where you want to be
No chance to turn back ‘cause it’s too late you see
It’s Monday

It’s Monday
(Went by so quick but what can you do?)
It’s Monday
You’ve got to get going
Just eight hours left
‘Til your desk you can leave
It might seem unfair but can’t help it you see
Despite what you want
And what you feel you need
It’s Monday
It’s Monday

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