Thursday 6 March 2014

Eggy-Bacy Bread - !!!NEW!!!

Another on-the-spot creation (or rather on-the-day)
Just a bit of fun for those who love egg and bacon sarnies :)

Achy Breaky Heart Eggy-Bacy Bread not by Billy Ray Cyrus
You can tell that I have something that’s on my mind
It’s just not gonna go away
You might think it’s absurd but I won’t be deterred
There’s just one thing that will make my day

It’s not choc’late treats or any other sweetmeats
That’s not what I have a hank’ring for
Just want to lick my lips don’t care about my hips
I can’t stop reaching out for just one more

Just give me some bread, some eggy-bacy bread
It’s really not much to ask for
And if you give me bread, some eggy-bacy bread
I just might let you through the door

You can give me ham or even tins of spam
But that just isn’t good enough for me
So go get me a pack of rashers streaked and back
There is just one thing that I want for my tea

Don’t give me any cheese and pickle pretty please
‘Cause anything like that is not okay
And you should know my eyes are not looking for pies
Won’t settle for anything less today

I just want some bread, some eggy-bacy bread
I just don't think you understand
If I don’t get some bread, some eggy-bacy bread
I might blow up and kill you man

But don't take my bread, my eggy-bacy bread
Something like that is underhand
And if you take my bread, my eggy-bacy bread
That will be more than I can stand

I just want some bread, some eggy-bacy bread
I just don't think you understand

Don't take my bread, my eggy-bacy bread
That will be more than I can stand

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