A new sketch today with a hint of Python about it (think watery bint in a bikini). The inspiration for this being what if King Arthur's knights were slightly hard of hearing and weren't quite sure what their noble quest was for...
Arthur: Knights of the Round Table. I have gathered you here today to
ask you to embark on a great and noble quest.
Galahad: And what is that, oh king?
Arthur: I wish you to go out into the world and bring me back... The
Holy Grail.
Galahad: Are you sure?
Arthur: What do you mean – am I sure?
Galahad: Well, personally I can’t see anything wrong with the mail
you’ve got on. What would you want some new stuff?
Arthur: Not mail – you idiots. Grail. The Holy Grail.
Galahad: Oh, right. Ok then. Shan’t be long.
<knights leave whistling merrily>
Arthur: Should I be worried, Merlin?
Merlin: I shouldn’t think so, sire. I’m sure they know what they’re
Arthur: Hmm. Still they did seem to get confused over the distinction
between mail and grail.
Galahad: Sire. We have returned.
Arthur: That was quick.
Galahad: Well, it didn’t take long, you know. And we have found the
object you seek.
Arthur: Really? Already? Where is it?
Galahad: Behold! <produces a weapon which clinks noisily> The
Holy Flail.
Arthur: The Holy Fl.... Not flail, you metal morons. Grail. Grail. Got
Galahad: A thousand apologies, oh mighty king. We’ll try again.
Arthur: Just see that you get it right this time.
<knights leave>
Arthur: Honestly – you just can’t get the staff these days.
Merlin: Very well handled, sire.
Arthur: I guess I should have known this would happen when they thought
I said mail first time.
Merlin: Well, to be fair, sire. You’re beard does rather obscure your
voice a bit. Have you considered getting it trimmed?
Arthur: Are you suggesting that I..? Oh they’re back again.
Galahad: Sire. We have returned.
Arthur: So I see. Did you get it?
Galahad: Yes, sire – behold.
<a bucket is placed on the floor in front of the king>
Arthur: Er... what is that?
Galahad: It is... The Holy Pail.
Arthur: Oh, for crying out loud. What is wrong with all of you? All
that mead’s clouding your brain. Go back out there and find – listen closely –
the Holy Gr-ail.
Galahad: Yes, sire.
<knights leave>
Arthur: What am I supposed to do with this heap of rubbish?
Merlin: Why don’t you chuck it in the lake?
Arthur: Oh, I can’t do that.
Merlin: Why not?
Arthur: The Lady of the Lake keeps chucking it back at me.
Something about I’m ruining a site of natural beauty.
Merlin: Really?
Arthur: Yes. By the way – what’s
Merlin: I’ve no idea, sire.
Some new form of gentleman’s attire – a green codpiece?
Arthur: Oh, look who’s back.
Galahad: Sire – we have returned. We journeyed far and wide and we have
found you did seek.
Arthur: You’re sure?
Galahad: Indeed, sire.
Arthur: Where is it then?
Galahad: I have it here in my hands, sire. Behold. <opens his hands
to reveal a baby bird> The Holy Quail.
<Quail cheeps>
Arthur: Oh for pity’s sake. Look – I’m giving you just one more chance
to get this right. This is your last warning. I want you to find... The...
Holy... Gra-il. Now off you go. And don’t you dare come back without it.
Galahad: Yes, sire.
<time passes>
Arthur: What can be taking them so long? They’ve been gone months.
Merlin: Well, you did say not to come back without it.
Arthur: I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve forgotten what I said. Oh, wait
- here they are.
Galahad: Sire, we have returned. We have travelled long and far and
finally we wish to present you with this treasured relic which cost us 7 ducats
to obtain. <knight holds out a relic wrapped in cloth>
Arthur: And you’re sure it’s the right one this time?
Galahad: Certain, sire. Behold. <knight uncovers the relic> The
Holy Nail.
Arthur: Right. That’s it. I told you this was your last warning. You’ve
been gone months and all you’ve got to show for it is some manky old bit of
metalwork – which probably came out of one your saddles/suits of armour. Well,
I’ve had enough. You can all think about what you’ve done in gaol. Guards!
Galahad: But, sire, what else could you expect us to do? We followed
the Holy Trail as far as we could go.
Arthur: And you found nothing else?
Galahad: Well, actually, sire, there was other thing we came across.
Arthur: What is it?
Galahad: It’s this goblet.
<goblet produced along with angelic choral singing>
Arthur: Yes! Yes – that’s it!
Galahad: That’s it? Really? After all this time all you wanted was a
beat up bit of tableware.
Arthur: Yes!
Galahad: Oh, well you should have said.