Sunday 30 April 2023

From The Mind of Merc - Double Standards

 Sometimes I find my mind wandering over various eclectic topics and occasionally I am inspired to write some of them down. Today I was thinking about double standards.

I’ve done a similar exercise/example before (actually using one of the same individuals) but let’s just see what you think:

Person A is accused of abuse by one individual. They are subsequently ostracised and virtually blacklisted by Hollywood and evicted from several major franchises despite the fact that everyone else they know or have dated in the past comes to their defence asserting that they are not an abuser.

Person B is a proven abuser both by reputation and in court as reported by several previous partners. They are also exposed as a liar and a manipulator yet they are not even suspended from any of their current productions and seemingly face no repercussions for the aspersions they cast. 

How is this fair?

(In case you’re wondering/haven’t worked it out, Person A is Johnny Depp and Person B is Amber Heard. Johnny lost Pirates of the Caribbean and Fantastic Beasts thanks to Amber’s lies. Amber is still in Aquaman.
When Kevin Spacey was accused of abuse in 2017, his entire role in the film ‘All The Money In The World’ was reshot with Christopher Plummer so it’s clearly possible to do that. Yet for some reason there is still inaction on the part of Warner Bros – hence my comment on double standards)

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