Thursday 29 September 2022

Queen of England

After 70 years of unfailing service, continuing long after the usual age of retirement, I think it is quite obvious that the late Queen Elizabeth II deserves a composition.
I actually found this quite difficult as I'm used to writing comedy parodies not serious ones but I hope this does her justice.

Love Me Tender Queen of England not by Elvis Presley
Did her duty, served us well
Never let us down
Had no choice but made no fuss
Faithful to the crown

Queen of England, queen for all
Now her day is done
We must say our last goodbyes
And we’ll soldier on 

Born the daughter of a duke
Became the heir at 10
Took the throne in ‘52
Then her reign began

Queen of England, queen for all
Now her day is done
We must say our last goodbyes
And we’ll soldier on

Now in twenty-two she’s gone
We are all bereft
Served us for 70 years
She is now at rest

Queen of England, queen for all
Now her day is done
We will say our last goodbyes
And we’ll soldier on

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