Sunday 31 July 2022

The Tiger Who Came To Tea sketch - Mercorabilia

So once again my moving house has caused a delay in my uploading my latest creations but I'm gradually catching up. First, by focusing on the admittedly odd behaviour of the characters in a popular children's story.

RSPCA: Excuse me, ma’am. I’m from the RSPCA. We’ve had reports of a big cat in the area.
Mummy: I see.
RSPCA: Have you seen any big cats at all today, ma’am?
Mummy: Well, yes I have, as a matter of fact. There’s one in my house right now.
RSPCA: There’s is, ma’am?
Mummy: Yes, a tiger.
RSPCA: <pause> A tiger, ma’am?
Mummy: Yes. But don’t worry – it’s all perfectly fine. He’s only here for tea.
RSPCA: I beg your pardon, ma’am?
Mummy: For tea. You know, tea, sandwiches, biscuits, cake.
RSPCA: Do you mean to tell me, ma’am, that there is a tiger in your house right this minute  who is, as we speak, consuming various articles of food and other comestibles you happen to have in your home?
Mummy: Yes, that’s right.
RSPCA: I see, ma’am. And just what do you think will happen when you run out of the assorted tea, cake and biscuits.
Mummy: Well, he’ll just go home, I expect.
RSPCA: <pause> Are you feeling quite well, ma’am?
Mummy: Perfectly, thank you. Although to be quite honest I am a bit miffed he had to drink all the tea. I would quite have liked a cuppa myself.
RSPCA: Would you, ma’am?
Mummy: Yes.
Sophie: Mum. Mum!
RSPCA: Stand aside, ma’am – I’ll handle this. Alright – where is he? Where’s the brute?
Sophie: Over there. And he’s drunk all the water out of the taps. I won’t be able to have a bath now.
Mummy: He must have been very hungry. He’s already eaten everything in the cupboards.
RSPCA: Look out! He’s on the move! Where’s he going?
Mummy: It looks like he’s leaving.
Sophie: Bye-bye, Mr Tiger. It was lovely to meet you.
Mummy: Well, that was an experience. All over now though. Can I offer you a cup of tea?
Mummy: Oh, no – sorry I can’t. The tiger drank it all.
Sophie: What will do for supper, mummy?
Mummy: Oh, I’m sure your daddy will think of something.
RSPCA: Well, if that’s all, ma’am, I think I’ll be on my way now.
Mummy: Ok. Well, it was lovely meeting you too. Have a nice day.
RSPCA: You too, ma’am. The boys back at head office won’t believe this. Wait ‘til I tell them all about it. Wait ‘til I tell them about the tiger who came to tea.

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