Sunday 31 March 2019

From The Mind of Merc - UK Politics

Sometimes I find my mind wandering over various eclectic topics and occasionally I am inspired to write some of them down. Today, I was thinking about the state of UK politics. This would take way to long to discuss so I thought I'd sum it up with a cartoon that's been buzzing round my head for a while now:

And a topical post for my 500th blog entry - who'd have thunk it?

(Han) Solo - !!!NEW!!!

Can't believe I didn't think of this one before - it's obvious really.
Han Solo – Solo
Han Solo, Solo, ev-ry-bo-dy
Han Solo, ev-ry-bo-dy
Han Solo, Solo, ev-ry-bo-dy

I never meant to lead the rebels
Just had to get us out of trouble
Couldn’t fail (Han Solo, Solo, ev-ry-bo-dy)

It seems Vader didn’t like my toils
Think he’s got a thing against royals
Put me in jail (Han Solo, Solo, everybody)

Because you see
Got caught on an embassy
They tried torturing me
Til you helped set me free
Thought you were low - then my affection it did grow
You told me you know, you know, you know 

You wouldn’t fight, fight, fight, thought we’d be defeated
Oh oh oh you were so conceited
But but but – the job you completed
You didn’t go
You wouldn’t fight, fight, fight, thought we’d be defeated
Oh oh oh you were so conceited
But but but – the job you completed
That’s why you’re my Han Solo

Han Solo, Solo, everybody

Han Solo, Solo, everybody
Han Solo, everybody
Han Solo, Solo, everybody
Yes you’re my Han Solo
Han Solo, Solo, everybody
Han Solo, everybody
Han Solo, Solo, everybody
I love Han Solo

Every single time I saw you
Really couldn’t even stand you – nerf herder (Han Solo, Solo, everybody)
Oh, no, no
Tried to stop myself from feeling
But not long after that I was reeling – true lover (Han Solo, Solo, everybody)

Because you see
Got caught on an embassy
They tried torturing me
Til you helped set me free
Thought you were low - then my affection it did grow
You told me you know, you know, you know

You wouldn’t fight, fight, fight, thought we’d be defeated
Oh oh oh you were so conceited
But but but – the job you completed
You didn’t go
You wouldn’t fight, fight, fight, thought we’d be defeated
Oh oh oh you were so conceited
But but but – the job you completed
That’s why you’re my Han Solo

Han Solo, Solo, everybody
Han Solo, everybody
Han Solo, Solo, everybody
I found Han Solo

Han Solo, Solo, everybody
Han Solo, everybody
Han Solo, Solo, everybody
I found Han Solo

I love Han Solo
You wouldn’t fight, fight, fight, thought we’d be defeated
Oh oh oh you were so conceited
But but but – the job you completed
You didn’t go
You wouldn’t fight, fight, fight, thought we’d be defeated
Oh oh oh you were so conceited
But but but – the job you completed
That’s why you’re my Han Solo

Han Solo, Solo, everybody

Han Solo, Solo, everybody
Han Solo, everybody
Han Solo, Solo, everybody
Yes you’re my Han Solo
Han Solo, Solo, everybody
Han Solo, everybody
Han Solo, Solo, everybody
I love Han Solo

'Cause you're my Han Solo

Friday 15 March 2019

Tiggywinkle sketch - Mercorabilia

Taking a leaf out of one of my favourite sketch writers book today and putting simple twist on a classic.
(I wrote two versions of this sketch - I may share the other one at a later date) but in the end decided this was my favourite.)

Customer: Excuse me.
Mrs Tiggywinkle: Yes, dear?
Customer: Are you Mrs. Tiggywinkle?
Mrs Tiggywinkle: Yes, dear. How can I help you?
Customer: I have a complaint.
Mrs Tiggywinkle: Oh, dear.
Customer: Yes. It’s about this shirt I gave you. See?
Mrs Tiggywinkle: What about it, dear?
Customer: Well, look at it! It’s covered in puncture marks.
Mrs Tiggywinkle: Oh, dear.
Customer: And this bit here looks like someone’s been nibbling at it.
Mrs Tiggywinkle: So it does.
Customer: And what is this?!? It looks like sh-
Mrs Tiggywinkle: Well, what do you expect when you ask a hedgehog to do your laundry for you?
Customer: Well, it’s not good enough. What are you are you going to do about it?
Mrs Tiggywinkle: Erm… sorry – we’re closed (curls up into a ball)
Customer: Come out of there!
Mrs Tiggywinkle: (muffled) Sorry, dear – I can’t hear you.
Customer: I said come out. Or I’ll report you to Trading Standards
Mrs Tiggywinkle: (hurriedly unrolling) You wouldn’t do that, dear.
Customer: Oh yes, I would.
Mrs. Tiggywinkle: Well, I suppose it probably wouldn’t matter if you did. I’ve been thinking about giving it all up anyway – the laundry business. I thought I might try my hand at veterinary care.
Customer: Really?
Mrs Tiggywinkle: Yes. Do you think I’d be any good?
Customer: Well, you couldn’t do much worse than you did at laundry
Mrs Tiggywinkle: (brightly) Thank you
Customer: That wasn’t a compliment
Mrs Tiggywinkle: (dejectedly) I know

Friday 1 March 2019

From The Mind of Merc - The Power of Perception

Sometimes I find my mind wandering over various eclectic topics ad occasionally I am inspired to write some of them down. Today, I thought I'd share an oldie but a goodie which is a perfect demonstration of the power of perception:

This image doesn't look particularly odd.

There's a part of your brain that can probably tell something's off but it's not until the image is rotated 180 degrees that you realise by just how much.

This is because your very clever brain attempts to correct the inverted image - that's the power of your perception!