Monday 4 January 2016

The Pluto Song - !!!NEW!!!

First new post of the new year. And a cheerful little ditty borrowed from the Monty Python boys and amended to a more *ahem* palatable topic.

The Penis Pluto Song not by Monty Python
Isn’t it awfully nice to be a planet
It’d be frightfully good to have a ring
It’s swell to be a body
It’s divine to be in space
I orbit round the sun
But I follow my own pace
So three cheers for the smallest in the heavens
Hooray for the new kid on the block
The little guy, (the) one at the end
Who yet can still beguile
I’m quite a new discovery
But I’ve been around a while
But don’t ask those folks at NASA
For they will say with a smile
That I’m just a dwarf

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