Wednesday 13 January 2016

All About The Brains - !!!NEW!!!

I think Meghan Trainor's song 'All That Bass' carries a brilliant message - size zero is just that - zero, nothing, emptiness. But I think with some slight tweaking the song could also promote another important message:

All About The Bass All About The Brains not by Meghan Trainor
Because you know it’s all about the brains,
‘bout the brains, not looks babe
It’s all ‘bout the brains, ‘bout the brains, not looks babe
It’s all ‘bout the brains, ‘bout the brains, not looks babe
It’s all ‘bout the brains, ‘bout the brains

Let me make it clear, I don’t despise you
But I feel pity, pity at what you try to do
'Cause there’s that look you so desp’rately chase
Look for fame but in all the wrong places

So many magazines promoting all that slop   
Was gonna let it go   
But think it’s time to stop       
Don’t need no beauty beauty so give it up
'Cause babe your looks don’t last forever   
(It) Matters what you got up top       

Yeah, you know it’s such a sad thing to see nowadays   
Everyone thinking it’s beauty and not brains that pays   
You know I much prefer the library to the tan salon,
Because it’s my brains not my body that I choose to focus on

Because you know it’s all about the brains,
‘bout the brains, not looks babe
It’s all ‘bout the brains, ‘bout the brains, not looks babe
It’s all ‘bout the brains, ‘bout the brains, not looks babe
It’s all ‘bout the brains, ‘bout the brains

I'm bringing brainy back
Gonna go and tell those airhead people that
Think I’m pathetic but I got what they lack,   
And I'm here to tell you,
No – your looks don’t last forever   
(It) Matters what you got up top       

Yeah, you know it’s such a sad thing to see nowadays   
Everyone thinking it’s beauty and not brains that pays   
You know I much prefer the library to the tan salon,
Because it’s my brains not my body that I choose to focus on

Because you know it’s all about the brains,
‘bout the brains, not looks babe
It’s all ‘bout the brains, ‘bout the brains, not looks babe
It’s all ‘bout the brains, ‘bout the brains, not looks babe
It’s all ‘bout the brains, ‘bout the brains

Because you know it’s all about the brains,
‘bout the brains, not looks babe
It’s all ‘bout the brains, ‘bout the brains, not looks babe
It’s all ‘bout the brains, ‘bout the brains, not looks babe
It’s all ‘bout the brains, ‘bout the brains

Because you know it’s all about the brains,
‘bout the brains, not looks babe
It’s all ‘bout the brains, ‘bout the brains, not looks babe
It’s all ‘bout the brains, ‘bout the brains, not looks babe
It’s all ‘bout the brains, ‘bout the brains

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