Wednesday 14 October 2015

Europa Daycare sketch - Mercorabilia

I doubt I'm the only one watching the developing events in Eastern Europe with trepidation but I have to admit that some of the recent developments did sound a bit like an altercation you might get in a school playground...

<Scene opens with kids innocently playing with tanks and planes. Then...>
UN: Hey, Vlad!
Vladimir: What?
UN: We agreed – this is our space and that’s yours. What are your planes doing in our space?
Vladimir: Oops - my bad. I’ll just move them.
UN: Listen - if you’re not going to play fair...
Vladimir: I assure you it was completely unintentional.
UN: Yeah – you’re right – it wasn’t in a tent – it was in our space. Just watch it in future, will you?
Vladimir: Of course.
UN: Right. We’re all going to play ‘Hunt the terrorists’. Do you want to join in?
Vladimir: Why not?
UN: We’re going to attack the IS in Syria. You with us?
Vladimir: Yup.
UN: Right
Vladimir: Fire!
UN: Woah! Wait! What are you doing?
Vladimir: I thought we were against Syria.
UN: We are but not that bit – we’re against ISIS – not the rebels.
Vladimir: Oh. Well, I’m sure they’re just as bad. After all, that Al-Assad fellow’s a lovely man. I think we should trust him.
UN: Just because you think he’s your friend.
Vladimir: He could be your friend too.
UN: No, he couldn’t. Now let’s get back to the game. Are you going to play fair this time?
Vladimir: How can you doubt it?
UN: Right – we’ll try again. And no hitting the wrong targets - we don’t want to start a fight.
Vladimir: Absolutely.
UN: Good. Fire!
<missiles launch>
UN: Vlad - what happened? You’re supposed to be aiming for Syria - Your missiles landed in Iran! What’s going on?
Vladimir: I missed.

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