Sunday 21 June 2015

Henry VIII's Mail Order Bride sketch - Horrific Histories

A return to an old category today as this one definitely takes its inspiration from the Horrible Histories series. I love the online clips and whoever thought of ‘Mullions XP’ is a genius.

Cromwell: My lord
Henry VIII: Mmm? Oh, hello Cromwell.
Cromwell: My lord, I most express my most profound condolences at the death of your wife.
Henry VIII: Well, these things happen.
Cromwell: What are you doing?
Henry VIII: Oh, I’m just having a look of Royal Mail Brides dot com.
Cromwell: I see. Any that take your majesty’s fancy?
Henry VIII: This one seems interesting. Christina of Milan. 16, single, not a bad looker either.
Cromwell: Indeed.
Henry VIII: Mmm. Still I’ve ordered their catalogue so I can get a proper look at them. Holbein should be bringing it any time now. Ah – here he is.
Holbein: Your majesty.
Henry VIII: Hello, Holbein. Is that the catalogue?
Holbein: Indeed it is.
Henry VIII: Excellent. By the way, did you speak to Christina?
Holbein: Er, yes – I did, my lord.
Henry VIII: And?
Holbein: I regret, my lord, that the Princess Christina is… unavailable.
Henry VIII: Unavailable?
Holbein: Yes, my lord.
Henry VIII: What did she say?
Holbein: Yes. She… well, she basically said she didn’t have enough heads for your majesty.
Henry VIII: <chuckles> She’s a card!
Holbein: Yes. Perhaps your majesty would care to look at our other brides.
Henry VIII: All right – let’s have a look at them.
Holbein: Well, we have Louise of Guise. Or Anne of Lorraine.
Henry VIII: Ergh! No. French. Can’t have a French queen.
Holbein: Right. Well, how about… Amelia of Cleves – lovely little thing, bit old-fashioned…
Henry VIII: Mmm. Maybe. Ooh, what a minute. What about this one on the other page?
Holbein: Ah, yes – Anna of Cleves. Nice little runner that. European princess, fluent in German, no previous owner, just 21 years on the clock.
Henry VIII: Nice portrait.
Holbein: Yes, I definitely captured her good side.
Henry VIII: What do you think, Cromwell?
Cromwell: What’s her background, Holbein?
Henry VIII: Daughter of the Duke of Cleves – increasing portion of land in the Emperor’s territories.
Cromwell: Good choice, your majesty.
Henry VIII: Yes, I thought so.
Cromwell: Excellent. Shall I make the necessary arrangements?
Henry VIII: Yes, good idea, Cromwell. Well done, Master Holbein.
Holbein: Oh, believe me, sire. The pleasure was definitely all mine.

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