Tuesday 19 August 2014

All the world... - !!!NEW!!!

A new entry today along similar lines of the Speech Wrecker entries but this time parodying Shakespeare's famous speech about the ages of man to fit with the stages of work.

All the world’s at work,
And all the men and women mere employees.
They have their leave dates and their inductions
And one man in his job plays many roles,
His goal reaching seven stages. At first the trainee,
Struggling and slaving in his boss’ wake.

Then, the shining intern with his research
And tired sleepless gaze, working like a dog

Unwilling ever to sleep. And then the junior,
Trying to impress, with a valiant effort
Made to his boss’ closed door.
Then, the senior,
Full of grand plans, and scheming for the top,
Ambitious in his work, wealthy, & with more power,
Seeking his profit augmentation

Even at his worker’s cost.And then, the partner,
Unfair and a bully, with a good quality suit,
With eyes wary, and tongue of stinging cut,
Fond of good deals, and well-placed networking,

And so he plies his trade. The sixth stage is
To gain the role of the firm’s director,
With authority at hand and PA on side,
His youthful dreams, now gone, the views too grand
For his shrunk morals, and his powerful say
Turning away all those childish interns, they
Who harken to his command.
Last scene of all,
That ends these years of endless toil,

Is as a pensioner and powerlessness,
Sans job, sans work, sans pay, sans employment.

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