Thursday 19 June 2014

Mutiny of the Barony (The Sequel) sketch - Mercorabilia

The other sketch was just crying out for a continuation - so here it is:

John: Hello – who are you?
Louis: I’m the king.
John: You can’t be – I’m the king.
Louis: Oh – I rather thought I was.
John: No – I’m definitely the king. Look - I’ve got a crown and everything.
<Door opens>
Baron: Ah, King Louis. I trust everything is to your satisfaction.
John: You mean you’re behind this?
Baron: Of course. We considered getting you to sign another charter after your little spat but then decided what we needed instead was a brand new king. And so we found one.
John: But…but you can’t do this! It’s completely unconstitutional.
Baron: Not according to the constitution you signed at Runnymede, mate. Just look at this bit here.
John: (mumbling as he reads) Well that seems fairly comprehensive. It appears there’s only one thing I can do to stop your diabolical scheme.
Baron: What’s that?
John: This.
<Drops down dead>
Louis: I say - that’s rather clever.
Baron: What do you mean?
Louis: Well the English people aren’t going to want me on the throne, are they? Not when they’ve got a brand new king in the shape of John’s little son, Henry, to take the throne. And it must be a pretty good situation for you barons as well, won’t it? After all Henry’s only 9 – he’s going to need a Protector.
Baron: Good point –  ready my horse. Are you going to be alright getting back to France?
Louis: Oh yes – I’ll be fine.
Baron: Good. Don’t come back, will you

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