Thursday 24 April 2014

Song of the Doctors - !!!NEW!!!

Another on-the-spot creation - this was inspired when it occurred to me that we now have enough Doctors to fill up a whole year...

Song of the Weather Song of the Doctors not by Flanders and Swann
William Hartnell starts the show
Who knows how long it will go
Patrick Troughton’s next in line
Regeneration works fine
Welcome Jon Pertwee instead
Faced the spiders, wound up dead
Tom Baker allays our fears
On and on for years and years
(Pe-)ter Davison youngest yet
With his celery he’s set
Colin Baker’s next on top
Not popular – gets the chop
Sylvester McCoy is next
Show gets cancelled – he gets vexed
Paul McGann’s America’s Who
Only one time then he’s through
Chris Eccleston brings it back
Gets the revamped show on track
David Tennant then we see
Faces all with manic glee
Matt Smith then takes on the role
Reaches the 50th year goal
(Pe-)terCapaldi comes on then
What number was John Hurt again?

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