Wednesday, 30 November 2016

From The Mind of Merc - US Election

Sometimes I find my mind wandering over various eclectic topics and occasionally I am inspired to write some of them down. Today, as with the rest of this month,  I was thinking about the US election.

If you voted for Trump then I’m sorry but I just don’t understand your choice.
I’ve no doubt you had your reasons I just hope they weren’t the same as the rest of his supporters.
You may have chosen to support him as an alternative to Hillary or because you’re anti-Democrat but what his biggest fans voted for was the wall to keep out immigrants, the deportation of all non-white people, the right to treat people like slaves and women like objects.
You may not agree with these viewpoints but thanks to you, the man who embodies them is now the man in charge of the ‘Free World’/Commander-In-Chief of the USA.

If you voted for Trump but don’t believe in his policies – you are an enabler.
If you didn’t vote for either candidate – you are a bystander.
And these two types of people can be just as dangerous as the people who commit evil acts because they allow the evil acts to happen.
Don’t be an enabler or a bystander – be a stander, be a fighter. Stand up for equality, fight against discrimination.
The US election was the battle – it was not the war.

To those, like me, who are scared at the changes that are already occurring in American society:
Do not give up
Do not hide away
Do not live in fear
His supporters may be numerous but they are not the majority (they weren’t even the majority of the votes but let’s not go there).
The best way to deal with a threat is to use it to make yourself stronger and that’s what we should do. Band together, stand up for each other, show these discriminatory, uneducated bigots that their behaviour is NOT what makes America great again.
Above all don’t accept the behaviour – report it, stand up against it (within reason – i.e. don’t put yourself at risk), speak out to condemn it.
They may be right-wing that does not make them right. They are in fact little better than terrorists and I would hope that such a thought would shame them into reconsidering their actions (although sadly I doubt it). A terrorist is defined as someone who uses intentionally indiscriminate violence (terror) in order to achieve a political, religious, or ideological aim - can you think of a better word to describe people who accuse, abuse and assault people simply because they have a different skin colour, religion or gender?
And now they are shedding their civilised camouflage to show their true terrorist colours. Well, shame on them! All that does is make them easier to spot, to isolate and to deal with. They should not be fooled into believing that suddenly their unacceptable behaviour is acceptable – it’s not, it never has been and it never will be and the sooner they are educated to understand that the better. Prejudiced violence will not make their country great again.

Some parents are concerned about what this teaches children and what they positively say about the situation.

But the lesson for children from the US election is not ‘If you are a misogynistic, racist, sexist bully then you can become President’ but ‘If you don’t stand up to misogyny, bigotry and racism and don’t use your vote when it matters, this is what happens’ and what must never be allowed to happen again

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Oh Dear What Can The Matter Be (Part 2) - !!!NEW!!!

Following on from my previous parody of Oh Dear What Can The Matter Be (see here), I decided that the situation in America warranted its own version. And here it is:

Oh Dear, What Can The Matter Be also not by Anon
Oh dear, what can the matter be
America has voted Trump in, you see
Now he’s in charge of their Presidency
What on earth have they done now?

Despite the pleas of tons of celebrities
They thought he’d help to destroy the disease
That they feel’s destroying the colonies
What on earth have they done now?

We thought that they would come to see sense one day
Not let bigotry and racism hold sway
Supremists are now shouting hip-hip-hooray
What on earth have they done now?

It’s viewed as a win for groups like the KKK
For them it’s a glorious red letter day
They think that they now have a chance to stay
What on earth have they done now?

Hate and violence are all over the TV
Pain and suffering seems to be all we see
Extremist groups are filling the country
What on earth have they done now?

It’s not the end of the world – oh no, it’s not
Trump has won but he’ll never be on top
Haters will hate but then we will make them stop
That is what we must do now

The racist groups are the ones in decline
They’ve kept their colours hidden all this time
But they’ll see their views still won’t tow the line
That is what we must do now

We won’t give in to petty in-fighting
We must stay strong and keep on wrong-righting
Show them how to keep letting the light in
That is what we must do now

Trump wants to cause lots of division
But if that happens is not his decision
We will force him to make a revision
That is what we must do now

Oh dear, what can the matter be
America has voted Trump in, you see
But he doesn’t speak for all of us you’ll see
We will show them all and how

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Disney Life Hacks #4 - Giselle

A continuation of my new Disney Life Hacks series - those little tricks the Disney stars use to achieve the unlikely, unbelievable and impossible.

Today, Giselle shares her top tip:

(After all, who needs sleep?)

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

I Believe - !!!NEW!!!

I will not comment on the recent political developments. I will not comment on the recent political developments. I will not comment on the recent political developments... Instead I'll leave it up to the lyrics of this parodied song from Not The Nine O'Clock News.

I Believe not by Not The Nine O'Clock News
I believe that life is happy and death is sad.
I believe my mum was married to my dad.
I believe that things that aren't good tend to be bad.
I believe...Yes, I believe.
I'm prepared to believe Jeremy Hunt isn't a crook.
I'm prepared to believe Fifty Shades is a readable book.
I believe the best song ever’s Aguilera’s ‘Dirty’.
I believe that Kim Kardashian’s still under 30.
I believe George Bush is clever.
That the Queen will live forever.
And that leisure is pronounced leezure.
And that the Prometheus film was better than its teaser.
I am prepared to say Miley Cyrus is too shy.
And that everyone looks better when wearing tie dye.
I'm prepared to believe that Scrooge is a decent bloke.
And Vladimir Putin tells a darn good knock-knock joke.
I believe that some folks can hear what Mr Bean is saying.
And that Luton is really a very nice place to stay in.
I believe that Kermit really loves Miss Piggy.
I believe that global warming is no biggie.
And I believe that the devil is ready to repent.
But I can't believe that Donald Trump is President!

(Btw, America - in England today's date is 9/11. Just sayin')