Friday, 1 November 2013

Humpty Dumpty joke sketch - Mercorabilia

A fresh new entry for my Mercorabilia collection today - a selection of sketches inspired by a certain Souvenir Programme. 
Had some trouble writing this one as I couldn't quite decide which way to go with it or in what tense to set it. In the end I chose the 'telling a joke' format I've used previously but I may rewrite this sketch at some point in the future to see if I can tighten it up a bit.

A: How many king's men does it take to fix an egg?
B: I don't know.
A: Neither do I - we'd better to send them all.
<audience laughs (hopefully)>
B: Well that's not very practical.
A: What?
B: Well, if an invasion comes while they're all out fixing the egg, who's going to be around to defend the kingdom?
A: No - look...
B: And, I mean, why would you send the king's men to fix an egg? What's so special about an egg? Surely if an egg's broken, that's it? There's nothing you can do. In which case wouldn't it better to send a chef?
A: Listen - I don't think you've quite got the-
B: Or are you suggesting it's alive though some strange anthropomorphic magic? In which case, why not send paramedics?
A: Listen - haven't you ever heard of Humpty Dumpty?
B: Yeah.
A: Well then.*
B: Doesn't make it right though, does it? Just because it’s in a rhyme doesn’t justify the king sending all his men to fix an egg.  And to that end - what was an egg doing on a wall? How did it get there? Why was it there? And for that matter what caused him to break? Did he fall or was he pushed? Maybe they should send the CID round rather than the king's men.
A: Look. Never mind the whos and whys and wherefores. I mean, maybe the king had an attachment to him, maybe it was a political situation to maintain diplomatic relationships with his country, maybe it was the king's fault he fell off and he feels guilty - we don't know! The fact of the matter is - the king sent his men to fix Humpty Dumpty and as stated in the rhyme he sent all the king's men which was presumably because he didn't know how many to send - hence the question 'How many king's men does it take to fix an egg' which is what the king would probably have asked himself.
B: (Pause) If he existed.
A: What?
B: Well - if he's going to send all his men out just to fix a hypothetical egg - I don't see how a king like that is able to keep a kingdom.
A: Oh...I give up!
B: Yeah - that's probably what he'd have to do too.

*As I said I had a lot of trouble working out the tense and stance for this sketch. The following is an excerpt I originally inserted at this point but decided it added one too many angles so instead took it out and reproduced it here. I liked it as I felt it made a very interesting point.
A: Well then.
B: I never knew he was an egg though.
A: What?
B: I never knew he was an egg.
A: Why?
B: Well it never says in the rhyme. It doesn't say 'Humpty Dumpty (the egg) sat on the wall', does it?I mean what would an egg be doing on a wall? How did it get there? Why was it there? And for that matter what caused him to break? Did he fall or was he pushed? Maybe they should send CID round rather than the king's men.

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