Tuesday 31 October 2023

From The Mind of Merc - Inventions (Misattributed)

Sometimes I find my mind wandering over various eclectic topics and occasionally I am inspired to write some of them down. Today, following on from last month's post about mistake inventions, I was thinking about inventions that have been attributed to the wrong creator by mistake.

Here are a few examples of inventions that weren't invented by the person you thought:

Theory of Evolution – Credited: Charles Darwin – Actually: Anaximander of Miletus
- Anaximander speculated humans descended from another species and that all life started in the sea
Iguanodon – Credited: Richard Owen – Actually: Gideon Mantell
- Owen sought to erase Mantell's contribution from the record which led to Mantell committing suicide
Airplane – Credited: Wright Brothers – Actually: Richard Pearse
- Pearse beat the Wright Brothers celebrated flight by 9 months
Computer desktop – Credited: Microsoft – Actually: Xerox PARC
- Xerox showed their system to Apple who in turn inspired Microsoft
Conveyor Belt – Credited: Henry Ford – Actually: The Ancient Chinese
- It was used in the construction of the terracotta army
Car – Credited: Henry Ford – Actually: Karl Benz/Oliver Evans
- Benz's automobile was first produced in 1885 - 11 years before Ford's creation in 1896
Telescope – Credited: Galileo – Actually: Hans Lippershey
- Lippershey's telescope was created in 1608. Galileo's was a year later.
Radio – Credited: Guglielmo Marconi – Actually: Nikola Tesla
- The majority of Marconi's work relied on research and patents by Tesla
Toilet – Credited: Thomas Crapper – Actually: The Ancient Chinese
- Crapper created several components of the toilet but the first ones were used 2000 years ago
Internet – Credited: Al Gore – Actually: Vinton Cerf
- Gore never actually said he invented the internet - Cerf is often called 'the Father of the Internet' 
Monopoly – Credited: Parker Brothers/Charles Darrow – Actually: Elizabeth Magie
- Charles Darrow copied Magie's design... which the Brothers rejected at least twice
Telephone – Credited: Alexander Graham Bell – Actually: Antonio Meucci
- Meucci couldn't afford to patent his creation - he took Bell to court but died before the suit finished
Steamboat – Credited: Robert Fulton – Actually: Claude de Jouffroy
- de Jouffroy pioneered his creation in 1776 - years ahead of Fulton's inaugural trip in 1803
Steam engine – Credited: James Watt – Actually: Hero (Ancient Greek)
- Hero's design was copied by Thomas Savery and then Watt before Thomas Newcomen improved it
Geodesic dome – Credited: Buckminster Fuller – Actually: Walther Bauersfeld
- Bauersfeld built his dome in 1923 years before Fuller's 1948 creation
Chocolate bar – Credited: Milton Hershey – Actually: Joseph Fry
- Brit Joseph Fry created the first chocolate bar in 1847 whereas American Hershey's came out in 1900
Guillotine – Credited: Joseph Guillotin – Actually: Tobias Schmidt
- Guillotin actually only proposed the use of Schmidt's invention
Peanut butter – Credited: George Washington Carver – Actually: Incas
- The Incas are documented to have made peanut butter centuries before Carver
Seed drill – Credited: George Washington – Actually: Jethro Tull
- Washington's "own invention" was actually a copy of Tull's established machine
Tesla car – Credited: Elon Musk – Actually: Martin Eberhard & Marc Tarpenning
- Musk was an early investor and then Chairman who took the founders to court to claim co-creation
Uber – Credited: Travis Kalanick – Actually: Garrett Camp
- Kalanick himself has affirmed it was Camp's idea
Apple – Credited: Steve Jobs – Actually: Steve Wozniak
- It was actually Wozniak who made the computer
iPod – Credited: Steve Jobs – Actually: Kane Kramer
- Apple admitted to this fact during a court case when another company claimed credit
Electric chair – Credited: Thomas Edison – Actually: Harold P Brown
- Brown was an employee of Edison's but lost out to him in the credit stakes
X-Ray – Credited: Thomas Edison – Actually: Wilhelm Rontgen
- Rontgen's invention is also being referred to as Rontgen rays
Moving pictures – Credited: Thomas Edison – Actually: Louis Le Prince
- Le Prince vanished mysteriously and his son was shot dead during a court case against Edison
Recording audio – Credited: Thomas Edison – Actually: Edouard-Leon Scott de Martinville
- Edison's announcement of his invention came 17 years after de Martinville's first audio recordings
Lightbulb – Credited: Thomas Edison – Actually: Humphrey Davy
Edison basically copied an already existing structure initially created by Davy in 1802.
Projector – Credited: Thomas Edison – Actually: Charles Francis Jenkins
- Jenkins partner, Thomas Arnat, sold the rights to Edison who rebranded the creation as his own

Friday 20 October 2023

My Name Is Nell - !!!NEW!!!

And then a bit further into the future about an infamous orange seller:

Highway To Hell My Name Is Nell not by AC/DC
Born sixteen
Determined to change my destiny
Came to London
With fam-ly
Who knew how big my life would be
Wanted money
Wanted fame
Weren’t nothin' that I wouldn’t do
On the streets
Play the game
I’ll be someone before I’m through

You’ll soon know my name is Nell
Oh yes my name is Nell
My name is Nell
I’ll tell you my name is Nell

Tread the boards
Make the most of restoration
Met the king
Was a winner
This calls for a celebration
His mistress
Bore him 2 boys
He made one of them a Duke
Not no-one
A big noise
You couldn’t say my life was a fluke

You know that my name is Nell
My name is Nell
Yes you know my name is Nell
My name is Nell

You know that my name is Nell
Oh yes my name is Nell
My name is Nell
Yes you know my name is Nell
(My name is Nell) You know that my name is Nell
(My name is Nell) my name is Nell
(My name is Nell) my name is Nell
(My name is Nell)
And I'm goin' down
In hist’ry
You all know my name is Nell

Tuesday 10 October 2023

Tom Wolsey - !!!NEW!!!

A return to my familiar Tudor theme this month, first with a parody about an infamous Cardinal:

Dance Monkey Tom Wolsey not by Tones and I
I was born the son of a poor butcher man
But had greater things in mind in my life plan
After the new king’s ascension is when I began
To show King Henry I was his number one fan

Ooh, yes Henry, Henry, Henry was in awe
At how well everything I o’ersaw
He, he made me, made me, made me Chancellor
And then it seemed I was even above the law

‘Cause I am
Tom Wolsey, Tom Wolsey, Tom Wolsey, oh-oh
They’d never seen anybody that had reached my heights before
‘Cause the, king needs me, king needs me, king needs me, ay-ay
Before I’m done, I will achieve yet even more

I was on top of the world untouchable
Had money, wealth and power - was wonderful
Worried that Boleyn girl could spell trouble
But knew that from my grasp King Henry would never pull

Ooh, yes Henry, Henry, Henry was in awe
At how well everything I o’ersaw
He, he made me, made me, made me Chancellor
And then it seemed I was even above the law

‘Cause I am
Tom Wolsey, Tom Wolsey, Tom Wolsey, oh-oh
They’d never seen anybody that had reached my heights before
‘Cause the, king needs me, king needs me, king needs me, ay-ay
Before I’m done, I will achieve yet even more

I am
Tom Wolsey, Tom Wolsey, Tom Wolsey, oh-oh
They’d never seen anybody that had reached my heights before
‘Cause the, king needs me, king needs me, king needs me, ay-ay
Before I’m done, I will achieve yet even more

Woah-oh, woah-oh, oh
Ah ah, ah

I am
Tom Wolsey, Tom Wolsey, Tom Wolsey, oh-oh
They’d never seen anybody that had reached my heights before
‘Cause the, king needs me, king needs me, king needs me, ay-ay
Before I’m done, I will achieve yet even more

I am
Tom Wolsey, Tom Wolsey, Tom Wolsey, oh-oh
They’d never seen anybody that had reached my heights before
‘Cause the, king needs me, king needs me, king needs me, ay-ay
Before I’m done, I will achieve yet even more
Even more