Saturday 5 November 2022

The Gunpowder Sketch - Mercorabilia

Remember, remember, the fifth of November... for some reason....

Catesby: So we are agreed – the plot is set. King James and his heathen cohorts will die on 5th November!
All: Huzzah!
Catesby: Fawkes?
Fawkes: What?
Catesby: You not joining in on the Huzzahs?
Fawkes: Er… what are we huzzahing?
Catesby: Have you not been paying attention?
Bates: Typical Fawkes – more focused on his gunpowder than treason and plot.
Catesby: Fawkes we have been determining the final details of our plan – it is absolutely essential that everybody knows exactly what’s going on. It won’t work if some of us haven’t been listening.
Fawkes: Of course I’ve been listening! Of course…um, except for maybe that last bit.
Catesby: What bit?
Fawkes: The last half hour or so.
Catesby: Oh, Fawkes.
Fawkes: Sorry.
Catesby: Well, I guess that resolves our other issue. It seems Fawkes has by default drawn the short straw.
Fawkes: Which means…?
Catesby: You’ll be the one lighting the fuse.
Fawkes: What?!? Oh, hang on a minute – that’s not fair! Why can’t Tresham do it? He hasn’t contributed anything so far.
Catesby: That’s because he’s the newcomer. So he gets a pass. Besides it is fair – they’re your explosives after all.
Fawkes: Now what kind of attitude is that? I thought we were all in the together.
Wintour: How would you know if you weren’t listening?
Catesby: Enough! It’s decided. All the gunpowder’s stored in the undercroft ready. We’ll make our excuses to be absent from parliament that day. And Fawkes will light the fuse before we make our escape. And just you make sure this whole thing doesn’t blow up in our faces.

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