Tuesday 31 May 2022

Prince Of Black - !!!NEW!!!

Making a return to my historical parody songs with a mix of Rolling Stones and a Plantagenet prince.

Paint It Black Prince Of Black not by The Rolling Stones  

You see my armour
And you note it’s coloured black
Not gold, silver or white
It’s all coloured in black

I am the Prince of Wales
I’m the heir to the throne
Eldest son of the king
But my fate is my own

I see a mounted knight
Who’s waiting to attack
When I charge towards them
No courage I don’t lack

I will see them turn their heads
When my lance hits its mark
I am the last they see
Before everything goes dark

But I’m more than this and
I’ll earn my infamy
Become a great knight
And achieve my destiny

I lead a noble army
You do not want to mess with
When it comes to victory
For us it’s take not give

I’ve done so many things
And earned my great acclaim
Edward The Black Prince - yes you’ll
Remember my name

Yet despite all of this
I’m like the setting sun
My health deserts me
And soon my day is done

You see my armour
And you note it’s coloured black
Not gold, silver or white
It’s all coloured in black

See my coffin pass by
My armour it is on top
Soon now my son will rule
He’ll inherit the lot

I was the only prince of
Prince of black
Black as night
Black as coal
I was my father’s son
Cut down in my prime
I was the only prince of, prince of, prince of
Prince of black, yeah

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