Monday 25 July 2016

Diamonds Aren't A Girl's Best Friend - !!!NEW!!!

300th post! Woohoo!
And, to celebrate, I figured I'd do something with a bit of sparkle.
Don't get me wrong - I'm a fan of Baz Luhrmann's film Moulin Rouge. It's just that I've always felt Satine's debut number sends the wrong message. Maybe this is what it should say instead:

Diamonds Aren’t A Girl’s Best Friend not from Moulin Rouge
Some girls just want to marry wealth
To them it means the earth
But I prefer a man with heart
For me he has more worth

A rock on your hand
May be quite desirable,
But diamonds aren’t a girl’s best friend.
A rock may be grand
But it’s not reliable
For true happiness
And won’t help you stay free from stress.

Cash is cold
You must be told,
And we all leave our jewels in the end.
And square-cut or pear-shaped,
Just rocks in a new shape.
Diamonds aren’t a girl’s best friend.

Black Starr!
Frost Gormham!
Away with you Harry Winston.
Don’t want to know about it!

There may come a time
When a lass needs compassion,
And diamonds aren’t a girl’s best friend.
There may come a time
When your hard sought out fashion
Leaves you cold as ice,
And you find that gold’s not so nice.

Gems you trust
But it’s just lust
And it’s not all that long til it ends
It's then that those realise
It’s not what you should prize.
Diamonds aren’t a girl’s best friend.

I've heard of some girls
Who have married for jewellery,
But diamonds aren’t a girl’s best friend.
But I’m more a girl
Who won’t let money rule me
When the chips are down
You can’t be sure it will stay round.

Time rolls on,
Your money’s gone,
You’ve nothing else on which to depend.
‘Cause yearning for gemstones
Will soon leave you alone
Diamonds! Diamonds!
And even rhinestones!
No, diamonds aren’t a girl’s best friend.

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