Tuesday 18 November 2014

My Tamara - !!!NEW!!!

Been watching Tamara Drewe. And for some reason I couldn't seem to get the tune for The Knack's 'My Sharona' out of my head...

My Sharona My Tamara not by The Knack
Oh my little pretty one, pretty one
I like the way you look and sound Tamara
I'm asking please marry me, please marry me
No I'm not on the rebound Tamara

Look who's come back home, on her own
Such a pretty girl, look at how she's grown
And how she affects our small world
My my my i yi woo
My my my my Tamara

Hello and how are you huh, how are you huh,
So you want to be in my arms Tamara
Thought that you were over me over me
Knew you couldn't resist my charms Tamara

Look who's come back home, on her own
Such a pretty girl, look at how she's grown
And how she affects our small world
My my my i yi woo
My my my my Tamara

Please don't forget about me
About me
Wanted you for such a long time Tamara
Don't care what you've done you see/, done to me
Because I still want you in my life Tamara

Look who's come back home, on her own
Such a pretty girl, look at how she's grown
And how she affects our small world
My my my i yi woo
My my my my Tamara

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