Sunday, 30 April 2023

From The Mind of Merc - Double Standards

 Sometimes I find my mind wandering over various eclectic topics and occasionally I am inspired to write some of them down. Today I was thinking about double standards.

I’ve done a similar exercise/example before (actually using one of the same individuals) but let’s just see what you think:

Person A is accused of abuse by one individual. They are subsequently ostracised and virtually blacklisted by Hollywood and evicted from several major franchises despite the fact that everyone else they know or have dated in the past comes to their defence asserting that they are not an abuser.

Person B is a proven abuser both by reputation and in court as reported by several previous partners. They are also exposed as a liar and a manipulator yet they are not even suspended from any of their current productions and seemingly face no repercussions for the aspersions they cast. 

How is this fair?

(In case you’re wondering/haven’t worked it out, Person A is Johnny Depp and Person B is Amber Heard. Johnny lost Pirates of the Caribbean and Fantastic Beasts thanks to Amber’s lies. Amber is still in Aquaman.
When Kevin Spacey was accused of abuse in 2017, his entire role in the film ‘All The Money In The World’ was reshot with Christopher Plummer so it’s clearly possible to do that. Yet for some reason there is still inaction on the part of Warner Bros – hence my comment on double standards)

Friday, 28 April 2023

He's a Pussycat sketch - Mercorabilia

Meeting your new boss can always be a stressful and intimidating time. Perhaps more so in a situation like this:

Jack: I have to say I’m still feeling a bit nervous about meeting our new boss.
Jill: Oh you don’t need to worry. He’s a pussycat.
Jack: You keep saying that.
Jill: That’s because it’s true.
Jack: Well, I guess I’ll soon find out here he comes now. Oh.
Jill: There you are.
Jack: Yes, I see what you mean. Er, hello, sir. How are you today?
Boss: Meow.
Jack: I see. Everything going all right is it?
Boss: Meow.
Jack: Good. Good. Well, I won’t keep you. I’m sure you’re very busy.
Boss: Meow.
Jack: Right. You know, when you said he was a pussycat. I didn’t realise you meant… an actual pussycat.
Jill: What did you think I meant?
Jack: Well, you know, it’s a saying, isn’t it? Like he’s really easy to get on with. He’s a pussycat.
Jill: But he is a pussycat.
Jack: I know that… now. Although to be honest if I had known he was an actual cat I don’t know if I’d have felt any more reassured.
Jill: Why not?
Jack: Well, it’s a bit unnerving isn’t it meeting a 6 foot semi-human moggy. Plus not all cats are pussycats, are they?
Jill: What do you mean?
Jack: Well, some of them can be a bit vicious. And they’ve got claws. I mean, just look at him. What is he doing now? It looks like he’s choking.
Jill: I expect it’s just a hairball.
Jack: But it’s disgusting!
Boss: <Hissss!>
Jill: I think he heard you.
Jack: Oops. Sorry, sir. Didn’t mean it. Just… carry on.
Boss: <Growls>
Jack: That was a close one.
Jill: I think you’d better watch what you say from now on.
Jack: Absolutely – cat’s got my tongue.
Boss: <Hiss>
Jack: Sorry.
Jill: I think you’re fired.

Thursday, 27 April 2023

Food Glorious Food - !!!NEW!!!

I work for Fareshare - the food redistribution charity - which, at times of crisis like this, is increasingly relied upon to make up for the shortfall in the government's (mis)management of the country. For some incomprehensible reason (Tory self-aggrandisement), this need is only increasing leading to plaintive cries such as this:

Food Glorious Food not from Oliver
Is this what we voted for?
Watching poverty rates soar
So hungry it makes us sob      
Every day we pray they’ll change
Make living within our range?
Yet they say it’s not their job!
10 years ago, at the UK food banks,
They gave out sixty one thousand meals
But that’s now shot right up to over two million
Now just what about that is appeal(ing) 

Food, we all need food
It’s vital for living
Yet we're all eschewed
That’s not very giving
There seems there’s never enough
Why not is the question?
Yes that’s right you’ve got it, love
Tory (in)action

Food, we all need food
Can’t survive without it
With benefits cut
We cannot afford it
Yet we fund the MPs meals
It’s all become skewed
Oh food! We all need food!
We must have food, we all need food

Food we all need food
Forgot what it feels like
Not to go hungry
That’s now a daily fight
Watching the MPs growing fat
Our senses are reeling
Watching their bank accounts that
Hit the ceiling

Food we all need food
What would just it take for
Them to do their job
And to not shaft the poor                    
Why should they be allowed to
Forgo to include
Our food
‘Cause we need food
Where is the food
We must have food
Give us our food
We all need food
Where is the food