Sometimes I find my mind wandering over various eclectic topics and occasionally I am inspired to write some of them down. Today I was thinking again about history repeats itself – only this time a lot closer to home.
Associations have been made (including by me) linking Trump with
the rise of the Nazi party in 1930s Germany. (An association which was
supported particularly by the photo taken at THAT rally.)
However, from my perspective at least, similar associations
can now be made for Johnson.
Let me explain:
In the 1930s, Hitler began an escalating campaign
to takeover land in Europe which continued unimpeded or even challenged for
years. Britain, which under the terms of the League of Nations was supposed to
act on aggression, made occasional efforts to supposedly combat this with
repeated and what proved to be unfounded threats of retaliation. Ergo, when
Hitler threatened to invade Poland and Britain once again threatened to respond
if he did so, Hitler had no reason to believe they would actually follow
In 21st century England, Johnson and the Tory government have been following an escalating campaign to impoverish, weaken and, at times consequently, endanger the nation and its people whilst enriching themselves. This has also gone on unchecked or effectively challenged. Members of the British establishment (specifically those who are supposed to without bias monitor, review, query and when necessary act to prevent questionable or illegal activities) have repeatedly failed to do so. Ergo when Johnson and the Tories push through increasingly self-serving and (to the rest of us) punitive policies, they have no reason to believe they will be questioned or held accountable for their actions.
However, just as Hitler was wrong with his assumption, I
sincerely hope the Tories will prove to be wrong with theirs and that at long
last the British public will prove that they will be not accept being mistreated
like this.
Just as when England did nothing to prevent Hitler’s policy
of aggrandisement so the British have done nothing to prevent the Tories’
policy of self-aggrandisement. We’ve threatened anger, displeasure and
discontent but not actually done anything to prevent it. If anything the
opposite as they have been consistently voted in – so we the British public are
to blame.
However, just as with England in the 1930s, we also have the power to stop it from continuing.
This also links into another theory I had – which I posted about on Facebook – following Liz Truss’s resignation.
I honestly believe the Tory government thinks we are idiots
and that having gaslit us for a ridiculously long number of years, we will now
agree to and go along with whatever they say/want/do.
Case in point, Liz Truss’s resignation – it struck me that
she could easily be a Tory sacrifice, someone they put out there who was so
awful at her job that she was designed to make Johnson look almost palatable.
Like they’re trying to get us to think that we would be so much better off if
Johnson came back. There are several things wrong with this theory (which I
sincerely hope the British public realise):
2. Johnson was ‘in charge’ for years, Truss for 44 days. She was bad for a bit. Johnson has been bad for ages. And what she achieved in her brief tenure is nothing compared to what he achieved (or rather destroyed) during his time in power.
3. Whether or not Truss was any good (and I’m not saying she was) does not in any way mean that Johnson was good or that the myriad of rules, regulations and laws that he broke is now somehow ok.
As with Hitler, the underestimated ‘lower orders’ are in
fact the ones with ultimate control. Yes, it will be up the Tories to choose
their new leader but we live in a democracy and it is up to us to say whether
or not we accept their rule and want it to continue. In the end we have the
power. That is why the Tories seek to control and manipulate us while they line
their own pocket at our expense and try to distract us by directing our
critical gaze inwards when it should be at them.
Consequently, whenever it is we manage to get a general
election (and if there is any sense and justice in the world it’ll be soon), I
sincerely hope we will not allow the Tory government to repeat their mistakes
in the way they have run the country by repeating ours and voting them in
The choice is ours. The power is ours. We can make things change for the better.