Friday, 5 May 2017

Stormtrooper sketch - Mercorabilia

(Meant to post this yesterday but twas my birthday so got a bit distracted)
It's Star Wars Day! (Well, it was) So I thought I'd post this recent creation. It's inspired by the brilliant Mitchell & Webb Nazis sketch (more commonly referred to as the 'Are We The Baddies?' sketch). Basically I figured that this was a conversation that 2 of Darth Vader's Stormtroopers could easily have - if you changed a few words around...

Stormtrooper #1: Very well. They’re coming. Now we’ll see how these Rebels deal with a crack Imperial division.
Stormtrooper #2: Er, Dave.
Stormtrooper #1: Have courage, my friend.
Stormtrooper #2: Yeah. Er, Dave, I’ve just noticed something.
Stormtrooper #1: These rebels are all cowards.
Stormtrooper #2: Have you thought about our ship recently?
Stormtrooper #1: Our ship?
Stormtrooper #2: The name of our ship. Have you thought about it?
Stormtrooper #1: What? No. A bit.
Stormtrooper #2: It’s called the Death Star. Have you noticed that our ship has actually got the word Death in its title?
Stormtrooper #1: I – I don’t, er…
Stormtrooper #2: Dave, are we the baddies?
Stormtrooper #1: No…. I shouldn’t have thought so… I mean…
Stormtrooper #2: Why Death though?
Stormtrooper #1: What?
Stormtrooper #2: Why Death?
Stormtrooper #1: Well, maybe it’s the death of our enemies.
Stormtrooper #2: Maybe. But is that how it comes across? I mean, it doesn’t say next to the name, you know, yeah - it says Death but it’s our enemies not ours.
Stormtrooper #1: Well, no, but…
Stormtrooper #2: I mean, what does Death make you think of? Pain, misery, suffering, er, graveyards?
Stormtrooper #1: Graveyards are peaceful!
Stormtrooper #2: But they’re not exactly good, are they? Peaceful or not graveyards are still not where you want to be. I just can’t think of anything good about being in a ship called Death.
Stormtrooper #1: What about the Star bit?
Stormtrooper #2: Even that is usually a lot better when it doesn’t have Death in front of it. Whereas the rebels…
Stormtrooper #1: Oh you haven’t been listening to Rebel propaganda. Of course they’re going to say we’re the bad guys.
Stormtrooper #2: But they didn’t get to design our flagship. I mean their ships have all, you know, quite nice names – millennium, falcon, starfighter
Stormtrooper #1: What’s so good about a starfighter?
Stormtrooper #2: Well, nothing. But it’s not particularly brilliant if you happen to be on board a ship called a Death STAR.
Stormtrooper #1: Good point.
Stormtrooper #2: But you’ve got to say it’s better than Death. I mean, I really can’t think of anything worse as a name than Death.
Stormtrooper #1: How about Hell?
Stormtrooper #2: Yeah. And if we were fighting an army flying in a ship called The Hell Pit I’d probably be a lot less worried, Dave.
Stormtrooper #1: Ok. So…
<quickly run away> 

The original version of this sketch can be found here.

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