Monday, 31 October 2016

From The Mind of Merc - Non-Gender Roles

Sometimes I find my mind wandering over various eclectic topics and occasionally I am inspired to write some of them down. Today I was thinking about Non-Gender Roles.

I saw an interesting video on Facebook the other day in which a young individual explained why they view themselves as being ‘Non binary’ when it comes to gender and that it is wrong to classify people as male or female as this is outdated, creepy, and wrong as gender is ‘all in the mind’.

I have to say that my immediate reaction to this was: ‘Er... no – there are such things as male and female – it’s just the associated stereotypes that are wrong’.
For example, the idea that
Boys wear blue, girls wear pink
Boys wear trousers, girls wear skirts
Boys play football, girls play dolls
When actually,
Boys and girls wear and play whatever they want

Saying that gender doesn’t exist as a means of overcoming the pigeonholes society places people in is like sticking your fingers in your ears on bonfire night and trying to pretend there aren’t any fireworks outside – not the case, also not going to make it so.

By all means, if you feel so inclined, buck the trend. But surely to do so it would be better to adopt a nonchalant attitude to people’s reactions – as in ‘this is me – deal with’ rather than ‘you’re wrong because...’. Because to do the latter you are, in a way, sinking down to their level by inflicting a negative attitude on them. They may be wrong but claiming to change the truth to suit individual beliefs could also be viewed as wrong (and delusional).
To quote Sherlock Holmes “Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.” – ergo don’t try and change facts to suit your own views – accept the facts and use them to support your own views.
Be free in your choices, be transgender, be heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual but you are biologically either male or female.

(Of course I could be completely misunderstanding the term – in which case I would welcome clarification)

As I have said before, I firmly believe people should be allowed to make their own choices in life (provided said choices do not harm others) – it is their life and therefore theirs to do with what they will. So don’t feel confined by societal roles but don’t seek to change scientific fact as a means of doing so especially when it isn’t necessary.

So if you are biologically one gender or the other then that, technically is what you are – it does not mean to you have follow societal norms or even stay as that gender but for all intents and purposes that is your physical gender.

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