Thursday, 25 February 2016

Tipping sketch - Mercorabilia

The inspiration for this sketch came from spotting the tipping jar in my local coffee shop (which I always try to contribute to - she says modestly)

<Customer repeatedly drop a coin in the tip jar, pick it out and then puts it back in>
Barista: What are you doing?
Customer: Just tipping you
Barista: For the third time?
Customer: What do you mean?
Barista: That’s the third time you’ve put the coin in, reached in to retrieve it and then put it in again.
Customer: Oh, I didn’t realise you’d seen me.
Barista: Well, of course I saw you.
Customer: Well, you might have said something to acknowledge it.
Barista: Why?
Customer: Didn’t you think it odd the first time I picked the coin back out?
Barista: I thought you were being indecisive.
Customer: I was just waiting for some acknowledgement of my gesture. I didn’t have to give you a tip, you know.
Barista: Yes, I know.
Customer: I could have just taken my order and walked out of the shop to destinations unknown.
Barista: That’s true.
Customer:  I could have just walked away and you’d never have known what a kind, warm-hearted considerate sort of person I am.
Barista: I know, sir, and I’m very grateful.
Customer: There now - was that so hard? Oh, drat!
Barista: What?
Customer: I put a pound in – I only meant to put 50p.
Barista: Sorry – no refunds. Have a nice day.

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