Tuesday, 3 February 2015

The Gas Tap Won't Turn - !!!NEW!!!

After all the fun I had creating a Cabin Pressure version of 'There's a Hole in my Bucket' I decided to do it again this time using a classic comedy song by the classic comedy songsters - Flanders and Swann

The Gasman Cometh The Gas Tap Won't Turn not by Flanders and Swann
The gas tap won’t turn, dear Donald, dear Donald
The gas tap won’t turn, dear Donald
Won’t turn

Call the gasman, dear Michael, dear Michael, dear Michael
Call the gasman, dear Michael, dear Michael

He’s pulled out the skirting boards, dear Donald, dear Donald
He’s pulled out the skirting boards, dear Donald
What a mess

Call the carpenter, dear Michael, dear Michael, dear Michael
Call the carpenter, dear Michael, dear Michael

He’s nailed through a cable, dear Donald, dear Donald
He’s nailed through a cable, dear Donald
No lights

Call the sparky*, dear Michael, dear Michael, dear Michael
Call the sparky, dear Michael, dear Michael

He’s broken a window, dear Donald, dear Donald
He’s broken a window, dear Donald
That twit

Call the glazier, dear Michael, dear Michael, dear Michael
Call the glazier, dear Michael, dear Michael

He’s messed up the wall, dear Donald, dear Donald
He’s messed up the wall, dear Donald
Look at it

Call the painter, dear Michael, dear Michael, dear Michael
Call the painter, dear Michael, dear Michael

He’s spilt quite a lot, dear Donald, dear Donald
He's spilt quite a lot, dear Donald
Oh no

What's the problem, dear Michael, dear Michael, dear Michael
What's the problem, dear Michael, dear Michael

The gas tap won’t turn, dear Donald, dear Donald
The gas tap won’t turn, dear Donald
Won’t turn

(Ok - so I cheated a bit here using the Aussie term for an electrician but you've got to admit it scans better. And they did tour in Oz.)

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