Monday 30 September 2024

From The Mind of Merc - Rejected Film Cuts

Sometimes I find my mind wandering over various eclectic topics and occasionally I am inspired to write some of them down. Today I was thinking about film producers and their (sometimes regrettable) influence over movies.

Following on from last month's post about drama schools, another area where I feel questionable senses of judgment have a potentially negative impact is film producers.

The moneymen have the regrettable power to affect the work produced by new and established directors regardless of the skill/vision/knowledge/common sense of said directors and this has often had disastrous results. The phenomena is seemingly so common that a whole pseudonym has been created (Alan Smithee) to give the affected directors a get-out clause so they can wash their hands of 'their' film once the producers have finished messing with it. 

These following films ended up dramatically different to how they were originally intended (in many cases, the success of the director's cuts proves just how wrong the producers were):
- Hancock: Intended as a dark look at superheroes dealing with various serious topics, this ended up as a 'fun action comedy'
- X-Men Origins: Wolverine: This again was intended to be darker before the producers interfered. Aside from sewing shut Deadpool's mouth at the end of the movie, in this instance, their interference included painting the sets lighter colours when the director wasn't around(!)
- Superman II: The original director was fired when he was 75% through completing the movie and he was replaced with a director more familiar with comedic films, which dramatically affected the tone of the film.
- Kingdom of Heaven: The producers cut 45 minutes from Ridley Scott's final version in the hope it would encourage more people to come see it at the cinema. The actual effect was Scott's skill was questioned... until he released his director's cut which revealed the true culprits.
- Brazil: The producers of this Terry Gilliam classic re-edited the movie behind the director's back with a happier ending, a different tone and a rock and roll score. Even though Gilliam pre-empted this and managed to screen his version the producers still cut 10 minutes from the overall run time.
- All The Pretty Horses: This was intended to be a faithful adaptation of the Cormac McCarthy novel but producer, Harvey Weinstein, edited it down to 2 hours losing character development and its original score and then failed to release it.
- Once Upon A Time in America: The producers cut the film down from its proper 4 hours to 2, rearranged the scenes into chronological order(!) and deleted some that explained character decisions. Fortunately, the directors cut survived.
- Alien 3: Director David Fincher was hired after many others were fired by producers who believed the newbie would be easier to control (and more submissive to their excessive demands). When that failed they locked the director out of the editing bay.
- Bladerunner: The producers changed the ending of this film to a more happy one. Again, fortunately, the director's cut survived. 
- Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer: The Head of Fox decided to make Galactus into a cloud (says it all)
- Spiderman 3: The studio forced the director to include Venom in the film
- Suicide Squad: A last minute decision was made to change the tone of the film
- Golden Compass: The studio attempted to 'water down' the potential religious commentary contained in the original work and as as result also 'watered down' the success of the film by alienating fans of the books
- Justice League: The producers replaced the director, added a load of jokes and cut the film to a strict 2 hour runtime, creating a movie that was 'unwatchable'
- Fantastic Four: The studio went over the director's head to get the reshoots they wanted regardless of whether they matched with the gritty vision he had. The disastrous reviews prove the (lack of) success of that

These films came close to suffering the same fate:
- Lady & The Tramp: Disney tried to ban the spaghetti eating scene from being included. Luckily the animators ignored him.
- The Lion King: Disney executives removed the song 'Can You Feel The Love Tonight' before Elton John objected
- Toy Story: This was originally ordered to be more 'adult-oriented'. When this proved disastrous, the much loved movie was created
- Gangs of New York: Producer Weinstein pestered director Martin Scorsese to work faster, change the gang names, Daniel Day-Lewis's costume and cut the film to 2 hours. Fortunately Scorsese won and the film earned 10 Oscar nominations
- Reservoir Dogs: Director Tarantino had to fight Weinstein to keep the ear-cutting scene in the movie
- Wizard of Oz: The song 'Somewhere Over The Rainbow' was nearly cut from the film to decrease runtime
- The Godfather: Director Francis Ford Coppola had to fight for his casting choices of Marlon Brando and Al Pacino

Just think how many more classic and much loved films could have been created if the producers have only submitted their money not their opinion. And also, how much money might they have made? 

Gallifrey - !!!NEW!!!

And, to continue the Whovian theme for this month, a parody of an ABBA classic:

Waterloo Gallifrey not by ABBA
You know
On Gallifrey is where the Doctor started
Oh, yeah
Though it wasn’t long before he and the Timelords parted 

But the Doctor knows where he’s from
And he will ensure it goes on

Never defeated – no, not at all
We all know now that it’s falls no more 

Though so far from it the Doctor roams
He still knows where it is he calls home
He’ll never forget his Gallifrey

My, my
They tried to exile him, but it didn’t last
Oh, yeah
And whenever they need him they choose to forget the past

And how could he ever refuse
If he doesn’t win they all lose

Never defeated – no, not at all
We all know now that it’s falls no more 

Though so far from it the Doctor roams
He still knows where it is he calls home
He’ll never forget his Gallifrey

And how could he ever refuse
If he doesn’t win they all lose

Though so far from it the Doctor roams
He still knows where it is he calls home
He’ll never forget his Gallifrey
Ooh-ooh, Gallifrey
They know the Doctor’ll save the day

He’ll never forget his Gallifrey
Ooh-ooh, Gallifrey

Supercalifragilisticexpialitimelord 2 - !!!NEW!!!

I was discussing my blog with a friend and came across a previous parody song which used the tune but not the word itself. This gave me an idea for a revision so here we are:

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocioustimelord still not from Mary Poppins
It's supercalifragilisticexpiali-timelord
Yes I might have just made up a brand spanking new word
But yet still you know exactly what it was that you heard

So why have I decided to make this new word today
It’s ‘cause I think there is a chance Mary’s from Gallifrey
If you think about it you’ll see they have a lot in common
Which is the very reason that this whole song was begun

Oh, supercalifragilisticexpiali-timelord
Yes I might have just made up a brand spanking new word
But yet still you know exactly what it was that you heard

They both travel around the world in their own unique ways
To improve the lives of others is how they spend their days
They don’t agree with convention though you might them at one
And let’s not forget the carpet bag that defies dimensions 

Yes I might have just made up a brand spanking new word
But yet still you know exactly what it was that you heard

You know you can say it backwards which is
But that's going a bit too far, don't you think?

So next time you see that big blue box or her umbrella (Hello)
Just remember this song and you’ll see just how similar
There are probably other ways that these two do match up

For example
What Missy’s wearing ain’t half close to Mary’s first get up
Oh, and it suits her loverly, too
