Friday, 31 January 2025

From The Mind of Merc - Who stats

Sometimes I find my mind wandering over various eclectic topics and occasionally I am inspired to write some of them down. Today I was still thinking about Doctor Who – but this time all of them – so I thought I’d share a few statistics I’ve found.

The various actors who have portrayed the Doctor of the years have come in a variety of heights. Let's see how they compare.

Eye colour
They've also had a variety of eye colour, but which is the most common?

Here's an interesting one - how does the birthplace of the Doctor reflect the North-South divide?

It's well known that Tom Baker is the longest-serving Doctor but exactly how many episodes has been in? And how does that compare with the other Doctors?

And finally the perhaps inevitable one of the ratings. How has each actor fared in the role when it came to drawing in the viewers?

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