Sometimes I find my mind wandering over various eclectic topics and occasionally I am inspired to write some of them down. Today I was thinking about Extinction Rebellion.
Let me just say that I have no
objection to what they are trying to achieve – I am all for it. The planet is
doomed if we don’t stop destroying it – absolutely.
What I don’t understand is the method
they have chosen – namely to inconvenience the everyday man in the street.
Yes – I get that they are trying to
cause a disturbance in order to be noticed but surely they are causing a disturbance
to the wrong people.
Is it the everyday man in the street
who is obstructing change and working to actively prevent the necessary ruled
and regulation changes that the group is campaigning for? No. So why on earth
does it even to the slightest degree compute that the best thing to do is annoy
those people? All that will do is cause antagonism, resentment and even greater
opposition to what they are trying to achieve.
It’s like saying you want to stop people
chopping down trees so you go and inconvenience Greenpeace.
Or saying you want to put an end to
veganism and annoying meat eaters.
Above all, it is fundamentally
contradictory to their desired outcome.
What is the key thing they need to
make change happen? Support
How do you get support? By winning
people over to your side
How do you not get support? By
annoying the people you need to support you. And yet what are they doing?
Please can the movement make the
decision to turn their efforts towards disrupting the lives of those in power who
have the influence and authority to make the change they want to see happen.
If they’re going to inconvenience
someone, it should at least be the people to blame for the inaction. These are the people they should be aiming for and not the other people
around them - their fellow victims.
Also, given the current catastrophic
state of the government and the increasing antipathy being directed towards this
would be a practically guaranteed way to garner support – win-win.
They have the drive, they have the method,
all they need now is the direction.
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