Sunday, 1 December 2019

Downton Abbey Advent Calendar - 1

For this year's caption advent calendar, I've chosen Downton Abbey. Hope you enjoy it. Here we go with door no. 1:

From The Mind of Merc - Gun Control

Sometimes I find my mind wandering over various eclectic topics and occasionally I am inspired to write some of them down. Today I was thinking about just how ridiculous the situation in America is regarding gun control.

As of 31st October 2019, 370 mass shootings had occurred in America in 2019. In these shootings, 1,466 people were injured and 441 died, for a total of 1,907 victims.

When there was a mass shooting in Australia in 1996 in Port Arthur, guns were banned - the no. of mass shootings in Australia in 2019? 3
When there was a mass shooting in the UK in 1996 in Dunblane, guns were banned - the no. of mass shootings in the UK in 2019? 0.
And yet, apparently gun control isn't the answer. (The answer to curtailing the bank accounts of gun manufacturers maybe.)

You wouldn't have thought this was a difficult decision, would you?

And for those who 'stand by the 2nd amendment: