Saturday, 2 November 2019

From The Mind of Merc - Racism

Sometimes I find my mind wandering over various eclectic topics and occasionally I am inspired to write some of them down. Today I was thinking about racism.

This is obviously a long and very convoluted topic but also, at the same time, IT IS BO**OCKS!

I’m sorry but what aspect of someone having different coloured skin meaning they are treated differently (or to be more specific negatively) makes the remotest speck of sense???

In that case should we treat suntanned people differently? They’re not ‘black’ or ‘white’ so ergo they must be different and should be treated differently. Er… no.

If you can see a difference in the appearance of black and white people – well done, you’ve got eyes.
If you think this difference means that one is somehow inferior than the other – oh dear, there’s obviously something wrong with your brain.

The only people who should be treated differently are those who think skin colour should mean a difference in treatment because those people need help. They need educating, they need to be helped to realise just how wrong they are, they need to see that the difference doesn’t make a difference.

Black and white people are all human beings and all human beings work and live and thrive better together – as a whole. Not as separate communities; festering hate and prejudice and resentment, not as individuals; struggling to exist in each other’s hostile environments – but as one.

As a final example of just how idiotic racism is and how stupidly prejudiced those who discriminate because of it are, take a look at this 'Spot The Difference' image:

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