Thursday, 30 April 2015

From The Mind of Merc - If I Ruled The World

Sometimes I find my mind wandering over various eclectic topics and occasionally I am inspired to write some of them down. Today I was thinking about an old Tony Bennett song.
Given the upcoming election, I found myself wondering what I would do - If I Ruled The World (this will no doubt be an ongoing list that I’ll continue to add to in the future):

- Anyone wanting plastic surgery would be given therapy instead to help them realise the beautiful person they are already
- If someone who is ill or diagnosed with a disease needs treatment that will help them and that treatment exists then it should be given to them (no question of cost – life comes first)
- If someone needs subsistence then it should be given to them (not taken away)
- Politicians would be on a performance related bonus – to be evaluated by the public (ergo no giving themselves pay rises (after all politicians used to be paid absolutely nothing)
- University education would be free (it was doable before so it should be again)
- Double jeopardy would be abolished (if you committed a crime there should be nothing to stop you being held accountable
- There would be no glass ceiling (or fast track)
- Education would teach everyone to treat everyone equally
- No tax cuts for the wealthy – tax would be a percentage

So I guess that would be my manifesto

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